Month: December 2015

65 Results / Page 8 of 8


Daily Clip

Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW-The 1st Church of Pagan’s Synod On Climate Meets in France

Mandeville, LA - The planet is not setting itself on fire and if it were the politico goons at the Paris Summit couldn't stop it. Mike does this hour on what he calls The First Church of Paganism's Synod on The Climate. Attended by the Bishop of Mordor (Bishop Obama), the Bishop of France is Burning (Bishop Hollande) and the Bishop of Bullsh•t AlGore. Mike blows the lid of the Climate […]

todayDecember 1, 2015 8


To Vanquish ISIS Requires Conversion To The Faith

Interview with Andrew Bieszad on the all new CRUSADE Channel Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When the armies of Europe, when they went to battle, when they were forced to defend Vienna, for example, when they were forced to defend Malta, when they were forced to defend Lepanto, when they were forced to try and drive out the Muslims from Spain – which they ultimately did but it took […]

todayDecember 1, 2015 10
