Month: March 2017

121 Results / Page 6 of 14


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

032117 – Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: Post Christian Age

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes)

todayMarch 21, 2017 5

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

032117 – Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: It’s YES or NO Director Comey!

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes)

todayMarch 21, 2017 1


The Obamacare Repeal

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You know my position.  There is no solve for this because it’s out of scale.  That’s the other thing.  The CIA represents the size and scale, monstrous, horrifying size and scale, the brute force of the size and scale of the American government.  It ought to mortify every citizen and every lover of liberty." Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […]

todayMarch 21, 2017 9


The Exceptional American Union

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Maybe you make the bold statements and they start as, as Samuel Adams said, for a revolution of liberty to succeed, it doesn’t require a mass of people; it requires a bunch of devoted people lighting small brushfires of liberty.  Of course, Sam Adams was a radical.  The guy was a “Remember, remember, the fifth of November” type.  The man was unstable.  He was […]

todayMarch 21, 2017 8

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

The Mike Church Show Episode 325 Podcast: The No Comment Commentary of The Deep State’s Henchmen

Mandeville, LA – The Deep State No Comment Commentary Of FBI’s James Comey – I haven’t read Michael Scheuer’s Non-Intervention blog in a while and boy howdy am I glad I went back to it last night. Scheuer, former CIA, blows the lid off of what is really happening in Mordor’s Deep State under Trump. “Take the FBI. Under Director Comey — Tacitus might call him the “flouter-in-chief “– the FBI has proven itself […]

todayMarch 21, 2017 9

Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Man’s “Power Over Nature” Can Be Weaponized

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: This passage is excerpted from C.S. Lewis's book "The Abolition of Man" available in full text form, for free here.] "In what sense is Man the possessor of increasing power over Nature? Let us consider three typical examples: the aeroplane, the wireless, and the contraceptive. In a civilized community, in peace-time, anyone who can pay for them may use these things. But it cannot strictly […]

todayMarch 21, 2017 6

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep – The No Comment Commentary of The Deep State’s Henchmen

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -"What we call Man's power is, in reality, a power possessed by some men which they may, or […]

todayMarch 21, 2017 22

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

032017 – Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: Fatima; a Diabolical Disorientation of the Truth

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes)

todayMarch 20, 2017 3
