Month: June 2017

129 Results / Page 12 of 15


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-The Creator Lit “Our Neighboring Star”

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: The following is excerpted from G.K. Chesterton's "The Everlasting Man" and must be read as Chesterton intended, as more a comedic rebuke of the those worshipping science as religion in his day c. 1920. - M.C.] "In the land lit by that neighbouring star, whose blaze is the broad daylight, there are many and very various things motionless and moving. There moves among them a […]

todayJune 7, 2017 5

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

060617 – Mike Church Presents – The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: Born This Way

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes) [powerpress_playlist channel="mike-church-red-pill-diary-podcast" order="DESC" include_date="true" date_format="D, M d, Y" […]

todayJune 6, 2017 5

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

060617 – Mike Church Presents – The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: Muslims Use Taqiyya To Keep The Peace

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes) [powerpress_playlist channel="mike-church-red-pill-diary-podcast" order="DESC" include_date="true" date_format="D, M d, Y" […]

todayJune 6, 2017 5

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

060617 – Mike Church Presents – The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: The Multiculturalism Not So Good For You

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes) [powerpress_playlist channel="mike-church-red-pill-diary-podcast" order="DESC" include_date="true" date_format="D, M d, Y" […]

todayJune 6, 2017 7


The Mike Church Show Episode 374 Podcast : Is This REALLY The Price To Be Paid For “Multiculturalism”!?

Mandeville, LA – Are “Mowed Down Bodies” On Footbridges, REALLY The Price To Be Paid For “Multiculturalism”!? – Megan Opera has asked the question thus: Our political leaders are basically telling us that this kind of terrorism, random and deadly, is the price we have to pay for their policies of multiculturalism and political correctness.” When you put it that way, I wonder what a Gallup Poll would reveal as the “yes” and […]

todayJune 6, 2017 6

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -“While clothing should be comfortable, the purpose of clothing is not comfort but protection. Clothing exists to protect […]

todayJune 6, 2017

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

060517 – Mike Church Presents – The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: Islamist Extremism Threatening Women

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes) [powerpress_playlist channel="mike-church-red-pill-diary-podcast" order="DESC" include_date="true" date_format="D, M d, Y" […]

todayJune 5, 2017 1

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

060517 – Mike Church Presents – The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: London Bridge Attacker Was Well Know

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes) [powerpress_playlist channel="mike-church-red-pill-diary-podcast" order="DESC" include_date="true" date_format="D, M d, Y" […]

todayJune 5, 2017 9

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

060517 – Mike Church Presents – The Red Pill Diaries Podcast: The Future of Europe is Bleak

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church Presents-The Red Pill Diaries. Highlight clips from each day's Mike Church Show LIVE on the CRUSADE Channel. These clips are short and to the point to make them easy to share with friends and family. You can subscribe to the Podcast Feed at iTunes by clicking the image below. (an RSS/podcast player is required such as iTunes) [powerpress_playlist channel="mike-church-red-pill-diary-podcast" order="DESC" include_date="true" date_format="D, M d, Y" […]

todayJune 5, 2017 2
