The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Ilana Mercer: The RIC – Racism Industrial Complex – has sprung into Trayvon Martin marketing mode while black on white crime goes unreported
They’re Listening! WaPo picks up on my analysis that a loss for Obama on ObamaCare is actually a GOOD thing for him and brain dead ObamaBot Zombies
Liberty’s Superhero VIDEO: Rand Paul drops the gauntlet on Leviathan’s scam to redistribute wealth to corporations through the import export bank
Are Double QP’s With Cheese a “Right” Too? Libtard insists that for the U.S. to keep up with Luxemborg we must admit that “healthcare” is a RIGHT not a privilege
It’s Only Monopoly Money. FOUR budget proposals go down in flames in the House of Representin’ including one that raises $3 TRILLION in taxes submitted by the CBC
The DeceptiCONS Wunderkid The sorry plan to save the planet from debt extinction by Paul Ryan passes the House as Simpson-Bowles to actually cut the ACTUAL spending goes belly up
Didn’t Santorum Say Obama/Romney Were the Same? Comparing the “Ryan budget” vs the “Obama budget” shows that Ryan doesn’t do much more than Dear Leader
Even Broken Clocks Are Right Twice A Day CNN: Why the U.S. may NEVER see another balanced budget
WSJ’s Henninger: We are not France… YET
Obama sells a hoodie and so does Ron Paul, so what does that prove? That people are gullable
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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