Pile Of Prep

Something Wicked This Way Comes: Orrin Hatch Survives Tea Party Challenge

todayJune 27, 2012 2 29

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The Tuesday primary contest that was NOT to be: Hatch survives to continue his assault on the Constitution as a “conservative”

Buchanan: 30 years, $2 TRILLION, 6,500 dead, 40,000 wounded and all for WHAT in the Middle East?

VIDEO: Hayek meets Santelli on CNBC as the old “no rules are good rules” method of stock trading are said to be the bane of the savvy investor (it also helps to study Austrian school economics)

More reasons WHY Parker/Spitzer was canned by CNN, just read Kathleen Parker’s screed against the good people of AZ, their governor and their laws (sovereign territory & law enforcement are mystical words to DeceptiCONS)

Buying the Home-Boom is right around the corner hype and thinking of jumping in the “housing market” because Uncle Bobo told you he likes the real estate gal in the Lexus? Read this first

Walter Williams: Time to end the Higher Education Crusade AND the zillions in resources and work ethic it is zapping

Take the ISI Civic Literacy Exam and see how much you have learned listening to the Mike Church Show and the Post Show Show in the last year 

Q: Can you be a “conservative” and a “green” too? Here’s another way to ask the question: can you be a conservative and reject the natural world? Read this book to find out

If you would like to know WHY you should be a true [r]epublican and REJECT Incorporation (of BOR) then the CA case of military crosses on MT Soledad is your inspiration 

WHY cite TSA specs in a story detailing the desecration of a man’s, fathers remains which were spilled out on the airport flow during a TSA “screening”?

For this that want to know WHY I am not a Scalia Urban Achievers Fan Club Member, start here

Consolidation & government growth (which I theorize CAUSES the former) begins consuming the great engine of American independence: Small business according to 2012 Census

DeceptiCONNED: MT GOP Rep runs as a promoter & defender of Medicare and the entitlement machine (oh, but he’s NOT business as usual)

Kevin Gutzman: The myth of “Executive privilege” exposed and demolished


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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According to my own exploration, millions of people on our planet receive the loan from various banks. Thus, there is great possibilities to get a bank loan in every country.


84.85%…not bad. Not great, but not bad. Guess I need to hit the books a little harder. Thanks Mike for providing the link!


87.88% So close. I knew I had gotten those three wrong right after i turned the pages, too.

Mike Wooten

Well, I scored 82%…so looks like I need to bone up a bit..however, I do thank the King Dude for AT LEAST scoring an 82%

It’s sad that most Americans don’t even know these simple things, yet can name the latest American Idol winner!



81.82% on the test …. It’s a bit frightening to know that high school students score higher than politicians, politicians scored 44% on average. And I’m thinking it’s equally frightening that college educators only scored an average of 55% ! But I guess I should not be surprised …. After all we are living in Libtardia. Thanks for my early morning dose of (r)epublicanism education!


87.88 %
I still feel I have a lot to learn. Guess I have to keep listening.

Chris R.

81.82% on the exam. Still learning, but better thatn the average college educator.


84.85 for me.

Bill Arbaugh

You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %. I need to listen more!


You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %

Not bad I guess, considering I quickly took the quiz at work. I do need to start cracking open some more books though. I have been slacking for a while now and it shows.


31/33 for a 93.94%. I am ashamed of my answer for the “Government of the people, by the people, for the people” question. I also missed the question about taxes = government spending, but I just figured that one out.


81.82% I got a ‘C’ 🙁 guess I need more red pills


love your show I have learned so much from your show. Thanks

Curt Aldridge

I answered 29 out of 33 correctly — 87.88 %. Thanks Mike. Keep up the good work!

Curt Aldridge

It was painful suffering through this grammatical nightmare of a post. The absolutist tone you have adopted takes away from any credibility you may have had. You may be the smartest janitor in your building but I would suggest getting back to your broom and listening to some more Mike Church Show before making any more replies to a subject you haven’t grasped yet.

Bill W.

I got 30 out of 33, not complaining 🙂

Michael Winemiller

90.91% on the ISI civic literacy exam. Would have been far lower BKD (Before King Dude).

Pastor Calvin H.

I just took the ISI civic literacy exam and scored a 90.91%. The questions I missed dealt with economics.

Robert Kmetz

Hey Mike love the show. I got 26 out of 33, about a 79%. Looks like I need to do some more listening of your show to bring that grade up. Keep up the good work!!!


82% on the ISI Exam!!


I scored 26 of 33 correct dude… I’m disappointed. I have failed you Master Dude

Ray Hajny

Civic Literacy Exam results; You answered 28 out of 33 correctly — 84.85 %

Scott Liberati

Took the ISA Civics quiz. Scored a 78.79%. Not bad for a guy who had absolutely NO interest in US history in HS and passed my NYS Regents Exam with a 66% (back in 1984). Thanks for the edgamacation, Mike!


So your guru votes for the greater of two evils instead of the lesser. The only thing more idiotic than that would be to defend it. No wonder we’re living through this hell with tyat kind of genius in the world.

Steve C

93.94 % on the test


Michele 63.4% I need to still do more reading and listening

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