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Ron on April 1, 2013 Mike, you’re my hero. I am a true Confederate, commander of a SCV camp and Lt. Commander of the Ohio Division. We fight the fight all the time. I’m also an American History teacher and use your information all the time. I listen to you each morning before school. This guy John needs a history lesson or two and you did a great job teaching brother! Log in to Reply
Dr Charles on December 10, 2012 Our friend John is lost in the darkness and ignorance of his own insecurities. This mentality typifies the mindset of someone who has lost control of his destiny. I would suggest he pack his worldly goods and cross the Mason-Dixon line in order to meet men of virtue and honor and begin his life anew. Log in to Reply
Wayne K on November 19, 2012 As my father has often said: If you cannot leave, then you are not free! It’s like being a bad relationship and having a jury of your abusive other’s friends deciding your fate…. If the US can get behind the idea and acceptance of secession worldwide (USSR, Balkins, former soviet sattelite republics) then why do they balk at the idea here? Self-Determination is the purest example of a free people and freedom in general. Log in to Reply
Madame Defarge on November 15, 2012 I’d like some documentation on Thomas Jefferson’s daughter’s Confederate service, please. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on November 16, 2012 The children and grand children of Jefferson’s daughter (who married a Randolph), who said Jefferson’s daughters? Patrick Henry’s grandsons served as officers too. Here is the bio of Thomas Jefferson Randolph, son of Martha Washington Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s grandson who served as a colonel in the CSA. Log in to Reply
MrWilson on October 23, 2012 Please never stop spreading the word MC. I cant think of a more obvious example of an narrow mind than John here 😀 Log in to Reply
troy caldwell on September 24, 2012 very good defense mike you did very well. for in these troubled times that we like in, it is good to have knowledge as a weapon. and the metaphor as him and the likes are THOUGHT POLICE/ very well put my southern compatriot. very well put indeed/ Log in to Reply
Philip Holthoff on September 7, 2012 As a point of clarity I would remind people what Patriotism really means. Both liberals and conservatives have no idea about the true meaning of this word. Patriotism, from the Latin word Pater meaning father. Thus patriotism in the truest sense of the word is loyalty to a kindred stock or people, not loyalty to an artificial government entity Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on September 7, 2012 Actually, I believe the root of “Patriot” from the Latin “patriam” meaning “the homeland”. Regardless, what pass as “Patriotism” today is Jacobin jingoism. A collective mental state that implies one’s superiority in something without actually participating in any activity to bring it about (paying taxes to fund wars of aggression does not pass either). Log in to Reply
jwopic on August 28, 2012 Kind of makes us Confederates more proud just like you Mike. Keep on target and we will sound the charge. I have learned more from you sir and finally listening to words of wisdom from Mr. Ron Paul, Kevin Gutzman, Jack Woods and all your Constitutional Scholars because they make history real. Log in to Reply
john difiore on July 16, 2012 Mike, I am John from Pennsylvania, but I am not THE John from Pennsylvania that called you on the show. You and I had a discussion via email before this happened, but I want to clarify that this wasn’t me on the radio. I like you and still listen to you when I can. I also agree with you a lot, but I never talk about that with you because it seems too boring to do so. John-on-your-side in Pennsylvania. Log in to Reply
Matty Petrero on July 10, 2012 At the risk sounding obvious, John from PA is a freaking libtard hack. Have you ever noticed that the most intolerant people are the ones who scream from the mountain tops about tolerance? I live in the People’s Republic of Maryland, about 40 minutes from the Mason-Dixon line…so any time, my friend! My best friend, here, and his brother are from Bucks CO and trust me, they are not Liberals. So John, The Tool” from PA only speaks for himself. Thanks, King Dude for being a TRUE PATRIOT! Log in to Reply
Dale on July 12, 2012 I too am from Bucks county PA and Johns definitely speaks for himself. Thanks King dude! Log in to Reply
Michael on August 27, 2012 By the way, that’s the People’s DEMOCRATIC Republic of Maryland, or the PDRM as I like to refer to where I live (for now). Love the show! Log in to Reply
James Willey on December 29, 2012 Must be from the western shore, the eastern shore (for now) is still mostly conservative and have been talking secession for generations (guessing around 50 years or more), but it’s like herding cats or real bikers, very difficult. Slower lower Delaware has also been in this boat, {Delmarva} is steeped in traditions and just wants to be left alone, which might be true all over the country which makes me wonder why secession hasn’t happened yet. My only answer is that ,” maybe, everyone else might come to their senses and fix what’s wrong so we won’t need to move”. We , as a culture here on the shore, speaking for “shorebillies”, can date our households back to before the state was a state. I don’t know what time frame John from Pa is from but he must have missed the turn where calling someone a Confederate,especially someone native to the South, was no longer an insult. We have moved on to other problems. If it wasn’t for those that question authority (ie. those in power) we would have never been the people we are, nor the world in general. Mr. don’t go against the Federal Gov’nt , I guess you don’t like having a say about what you can do in your own house, but don’t think I’m laying down so you can stomp on my ground. So, in closing, Mike, keep on keeping on! Oh, by the way, sometimes I hear you say things and then it shows up on Rush so who’s copying whom? Log in to Reply
Daniel Bailey on July 10, 2012 Hey Mike, John obviously has never been to Duncannon, PA. There is a rebel flag on about every street here. Also may I add he doesn’t speak for many people in this state. A lot of the rural people up here believe its time for a change I don’t believe they are all the way to secession yet but they are warming up to nullification so that’s a start. I didn’t see a city for Mr Smith but I would stand to believe that he is from either Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, or Allentown (basically a suburb of Philly) Log in to Reply
steven.g.thomas on July 9, 2012 I get through PA all the time, I’m a truck driver. I’m a Confederate, and I’m from California .. SOUTHERN California. Log in to Reply
CBlack on July 9, 2012 These types always make me smile and laugh. Emotional wretches. I’ll make the trip to PA to call his bluff. Log in to Reply
James Johnson on July 9, 2012 Mike, it was funny that I stayed in Pennsylvania and I am a Confederate as well as he labels us as being. If he wanted a Confederate so bad, all he had to do is call me out and I would be more than happy to lay the Dity South Smackdown on him. Log in to Reply
Charles Lawrence on July 9, 2012 John was comedic relief it was painfully (because I was laughing histerically) obvious he doesn’t listen to this program otherwise he would have realized his shortcomings Log in to Reply
Judy Fiore on July 9, 2012 Mike….what a complete fool this guy was. You did a great job handling him. My 13 year old son has more understanding of our country’s roots than this guy had! Thanks for being such a PATRIOT! Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757