
Are we Motivated to Reclaim the Spirit of '76?

todayAugust 4, 2011 2


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NEW ORLEANS, La.– Mike wonders if the American people actually have the motivation to channel the spirit of the Founding Generation or is it all just merely hot-air?

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike: Theres a difference between revering the Founders and revering what the Founders were defending. What did they think they were founding? Their impression of what they were founding or what they were defending, because thats what they were doing, they were trying to secure what already was, is a far cry different than what most of you people think that it is.

And I will admit, up until three or four years ago it was a far cry different from what I used to think that it was. But a careful scholarship and study of it and this stuff is not hard to find. As a matter of fact, you might even be able to find some of the actual statements and actual beliefs of the Founding Fathers in some of my movies: The Road to Independence, the movie, sitting there collecting dust on a shelf at Amazon or in my backroom there? People have lost interest in that. The Spirit of 76, about the Constitution, sitting there collecting dust at Amazon and here? People losing interest in that. Eh, I heard it on the Fourth of July. I dont have to listen to that crap anymore. Fame of Our Fathers, Im just giving my own personal examples out. Do you see The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution in the Top 100 all the time at Amazon? Thats my friend Kevin Gutzmans book. Do you see Tom Woodss Rollback book in the Top 100 at Amazon? Is it even in the Top 100 suggested readings at, oh, I dont know, Human Events Online? No. We have brand new scholarship, brand new stuff on constitutions and founders, few of it relying on actual scholarship.


You see, this is the problem, and this is the challenge, and this is the dilemma, is as long as you proceed from the notion and from the idea of Harry Jaffa and all the rest of the DeceptiCons and most of the historians of the 20th Century, that we were founded as a positive project, or as a we were founded because we were put on a mission. A bunch of guys got together in Philadelphia twice, once in 76 and once again in 87 1776, 1787 and decided, why, we have to have a purpose and a mission. We must invade the world and make it safe for democracy. We must have government-provided healthcare and public schools. We must have civil rights. We must do this, and we must do that. This is our mission and our purpose. That is the biggest lie and the biggest piece of mythology that exists today. Theres actually more truth in the existence of Hera and Zeus and Mount Olympus than there is in what I just said to you. Of course youd have to actually put down the mythological and walk away from the romance novel that is 1776 or 1787 and learn about it. This is what as known as, what we used to call here on the show, when people used to call and say that they took it, its whats called taking the founders red pill.

Mike, Mike, why do you sound so not confident? Well, wheres the anger over the deal? I dont see it. I havent even heard it. Wheres the Tea Party here, air finger quote, Tea Party, end quote? Theres one guy that I read, Mark Meckler, was speaking truth to power about this. You heard Rand Paul earlier today. He wasnt angry about it, just like, man, all we did was guarantee a default. Thats all that happened here today. Its just common sense, folks. Its common sense. But as I learn more about the Founders, I fall farther and farther off the lets-promote-the-founding-father bandwagon because when I talk about what they actually said, and maybe what they were defending, there are word balloons like in a comic strip with zs in them from most of the people that I talk to [snoring]

Are we Motivated to Reclaim the Spirit of '76?

. What? Whats this Constitution of 1688? Whats this Magna Carta crap? What are you talking about? Yeah, thats what I thought. Anyways, hope springs eternal. Well continue to promote and watch the listless results. Itll keep me busy for the next 40 years, if I make it that long.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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