Founders Pass

Are You Missing Your Daily Red-Pill of The Mike Church Show!? Click Here to Get It Now!

todayJanuary 2, 2016 20


Veritas-Radio-Network-Mike-Church-Show-7UPDATE, GET YOUR FOUNDERS RED PILL FIX NOW!: Merry New Year! We have been Distributing The Founding Fathers Red Pill to thousands of Mike Church Show fans for 8 weeks now! Are You Still Receiving Your Daily Dose!? It’s On The Veritas Radio Network’s Crusade Channel Every Weekday At 08:00 A.M. Central, For Free…Don’t Cost Nuthin’

WE NEED YOU! Click Here To Join The 24/7 Crusade Channel And Mike Church And Earn The Benefit Of Downloading The Mike Church Show, With Full, 20 Day Archives, In Stereo, Commercial Free!



Mandeville, LA – This morning, 27 October, 2015, Mike Church performed his final act on SiriusXM as host of the Mike Church Show, completing show # 3,421: the longest running Talk Show in the history of Satellite Radio. Mike graciously thanked 13 years worth of listeners for their support & stated numerous times that he did NOT LEAVE SIRIUSXM, the show was cancelled to make way for another show and no other venue was offered. Thus Mike unveiled his next venue: The (to be announced) Radio Network and its debut channel:

CRUSADE! Learn all about CRUSADE & the (To Be Announced) Radio Network by clicking HERE.

Important!! Mike Asks All His Fans And Radio Family To Join Him By Making The Move To Veritas And Signing Up For The Daily [R]Epublican Email Newsletter For The Details Of The November 11, 2015 Show-Relaunch

Chris Ferrara To Catholic Listeners: Hwo The Only True, Catholic Voice In Talk Radio Was Silenced And What You Can Do About It


Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Denny on November 13, 2015

    Mike, I (and my wife) sorely miss your morning show, especially when on the road around 6am. The loss of educational information regarding the Constitution and Faith was significant. I so enjoyed those discussions with your guests as well as your monologues. My only recourse was to IMMEDIATELY join your website as a Founding Brother. I look forward to more educational experiences regarding the Constitution and Faith. You started this movement and your commitment to follow through is most important. Never quit. Never! Thanks, looking forward to more ….

  2. dshabs on November 12, 2015


    Totally taken aback that this move was necessary! I look forward to the new access to your show. Sirius XM in the morning (central time for me) is not the same anymore… Thank you for the red pill.

    David Shibilia – Pell City, AL

  3. Tom McNulty on November 8, 2015

    Dear Mike,
    Thankyou for your wonderful show on Sirius/XM. I am sorry to see Sirius not have clear logic in keeping your knowledge on their airwaves . I am looking forward to your new show on the eleventh of Nov. . God Bless You

  4. hochunk on November 1, 2015

    Hi Mike:

    I really think what Sirius did to you was a raw deal and I will be following you to your new network…..

    I`m so sick and tired of libertarian and or conservative talk always being attacked and shut down by so called conservatives…

    The only reason that I even paid for Sirius service was for you and Wilkow, now I`ll have to rethink if I want to continue my subscription to Sirius.

    I hope we can get your network off the ground and together make it a successful endevour.

    Your friend and listener

  5. Sapper06 on October 28, 2015

    Mike/The King Dude,

    Thank you for the education over the past few years. I have listen to you since I found you while going through training at FT Leavenworth in 2010. You and several other host on the Patriot Channel were the driving force for purchasing my satellite radio for my truck after my first deployment to Afghanistan. I have enjoyed the insight that you have given me and the three docudramas that I have gotten from you. I look forward to your new venue and seeing how that works and relationship of the Sat radio or strickly phone and computer.

    Thank you for not giving up the fight!


  6. Brian Barrett on October 27, 2015

    King Dude:

    How appropriate. Just became a First Degree Knight on the same day you announce Remnant Radio Network/Crusade. Just started ‘Orthodoxy’ (its not an easy read — for me).

  7. sjohnson on October 27, 2015

    King Dude,

    Thank you for your eternal vigilance and your stewardship. As a teacher your insight has helped me become more effective.


    Shawn Johnson

  8. Billyd on October 27, 2015

    Thank you Mr. Church for allowing me to think about my spiritual growth on a daily basis. Your reward will truly be in Heaven as I know I am not alone in receiving this very important message. You have assisted me in transforming my beliefs from 50+years of a failed system that we are taught to believe in. Now thanks to you in consider myself more informed and a better Christian. To God be the Glory.

  9. Farco on October 27, 2015

    I had a transforming moment during the 2012 presidential campaign. I woke up to the Ron Paul message and simultaneously stumbled onto the Mike Church show. The consistent message received from both sources shook me at first, being a Fox News devoted listener and supporter of the Bush War Doctrine. That was a long time ago. I have learned much from the many sources the Mike Church show and Ron Paul opened my eyes too. For that I am always grateful. I just joined the Founders Pass and am looking forward to the journey through the next door which God has opened for you.

  10. vakthund on October 27, 2015

    Thank you for the education over the last several years and for telling the untold stories. You are a big inspiration. I’ll subscribe, does not matter to me if your show is delivered over satellite or Internet.

    Thank you

  11. mcnardo on October 27, 2015

    Mike – Glad that you will still be on the airwaves! Your new channel has the most appropriate name as, Chris Ferrara so aptly pointed out this morning, you are the only true conservative and crusader on the airwaves! I am a Founders Pass member and tried to listen to the Remnant Radio sound clip but had no luck. Are there technical issues with the feed? I would hate to miss out going forward.

    Godspeed to you in the new venture!

    Yours in Remnence since 09′


  12. Brian P. on October 27, 2015

    King Dude, you have been an inspiration to more than you know. Although Sirius was a good venue, I believe that your new medium will be better for you and your loyal listeners. Keep up the good fight brother. I’ll be listening.

    Brian in Maryland

  13. tomswhitney on October 27, 2015

    King Dude,

    I’ve been listening on and off since 2003. You and Wilkow are the only reason I renewed my Sirius over the last few years. I guess I’m going to have to send my $$$ your way instead. I just signed up for the Founder’s Pass and I look forward to supporting this show.

    I am Catholic and I’ve been sadly disappointed by the Church for many years. Your show has given me some renewed hope that it can be saved. A Schism is coming…

    As you said this morning, as one door closes, so another opens. I pray that this door leads to bigger and better things and that more people join the cause than ever before.


    Tom Whitney

  14. Paul Arias on October 27, 2015

    Big loss for Sirius but a gain for us to have you do the show without the restrictions set by Corporate directives. I guess I will save money by not renewing on Sirius since they seem incapable of understanding the great direction you have taken the show over the last 2 years. I will always be a listener no matter the platform you deliver it in.

    Thanks for being you

    Loyal Listener in Virginia
