insert_link Transcripts A Brief History of the NRA Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Trust me, ladies and gentlemen when I tell you that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, improperly read, does breed and does inculcate and does create some of the most, if not the most, politically passionate people on the face of the planet. It doesn’t matter what the historical record says. It doesn’t matter the intent of the Second Amendment. […] todayJanuary 14, 2013 5
insert_link Transcripts The Armed Forces Network is in 175 Countries… That’s About 174 Too Many Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This is the United States. We’re supposed to be a peace-loving people. We’re supposed to hold liberty as our highest ideal, not invading and occupying other countries, not providing national defense or defense of any manner for 175 countries or whatever the reason is we just happen to be there. Check out today's transcript for the rest... todayJanuary 14, 2013 10
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 14 January 2013 This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1784, the Continental Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, establishing boundaries, and recognizing America as an independent nation. todayJanuary 14, 2013 4
insert_link Founders Television White House Responds to Secession Petitions… and It’s About What You’d Expect Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - We were told on November 7th or 8th when these petitions first hit the website, that these were just temper tantrums from sore losers who would move on. The White House posted the little response that these people would move on, that the knuckle-dragging Neanderthals that had asked about secession would crawl back in their caves and we’d nevermore hear about this silliness […] todayJanuary 14, 2013 11
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 10 January 2013 This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1776, Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense was published. todayJanuary 10, 2013 9
This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 3 January 2012 This Day In Founding Fathers History – 3 January 2012 On this day in 1777, the Battle of Princeton was fought. On 1 January, Cornwallis led his forces toward Trenton, although he was delayed a day by a series of attacks at the hands of Colonel Edward Hand. Cornwallis was confident they had Washington’s troops at hand as he could see the burning campfires in the Continental camp through the […] todayJanuary 3, 2013 8
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 20 December This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. In 1803 on this day, the United States took formal possession of the Louisiana Territory. todayDecember 20, 2012 6
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 19 December This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. One notable birthday on this day in history in 1753, that of John Taylor of Caroline. todayDecember 19, 2012 5
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 18 December This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1787, New Jersey became the third state to join the union upon ratification of the U.S. Constitution. todayDecember 19, 2012 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757