
776 Results / Page 2 of 87


Founders Television

Since When Have State Constitutions Stopped the SCOTUS?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Do listeners of this show really believe that the 50 state Constitutions are really going to stop the Supreme Court of the United States from over-ruling them? The DNA case in Maryland should have ended in Maryland, instead it went all the way to the Supreme Court, where they ruled against the Maryland court. The Supreme Court should never have even heard […]

todayJuly 30, 2015 7

Founders Television

Thomas Jefferson: The Original Sneaky Leaker?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - When Jefferson was Adams Vice President he attended the meetings of the US Senate every day and realized that "Hey, you guys could use some rules" so he wrote the handbook that we still use today for governing the actions of the Senate. And while all of this is going on in the run up to the Alien and Sedition acts, he […]

todayJuly 30, 2015 22

Founders Television

“The Power to Tax Involves the Power to Destroy”

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - McCulloch vs Maryland was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in that it put the power to tax in the hands of the Federal Government instead of the states so when Chief Justice John Marshall said "The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy" he was actually talking about the STATES! McCulloch vs Maryland happened at […]

todayJuly 30, 2015 26

Founders Television

Despite Man’s Best Efforts… God Still Wins.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - You've all see the helicopter pictures from the destruction the EF-5 tornado wreaked on Moore, OK. It's obvious from this that there is no man made single family dwelling that can sustain the winds of a tornado of that size. So what's next? If we can control these type of forces in a laboratory, are we going to try and start controlling […]

todayJuly 30, 2015 5

Founders Television

You Know the First and Second Amendments… What About the Third?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Everyone knows the First Amendment, it's taught to our youths in grade school. Everyone NOW knows the Second Amendment... whether or not they agree with it is another story. But do you know the THIRD Amendment? And the ones that follow it? Most people don't. Although we don't have scientific evidence to back this claim up, we observe many people discussing the […]

todayJuly 30, 2015 6

Founders Television

Stuck in Traffic? You’re Being Tracked.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - "No expectation of privacy on public roads and parking places" says one cop who we can only assume has never read 1984: Surveillance State now catalogs and tracks you using cameras and license plate recognition software. Why do roads have to be public, what happened to private roads? Heck, even if we had private roads could we expect privacy along them, we […]

todayJuly 15, 2015 8

Founders Television

“No Conservatism Without a Religious Foundation” – Russell Kirk

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Russell Kirk asked, "Can there be any robust conservatism in American life WITHOUT a religious devotion?" The answer is a resounding "No". He also wrote that a society that denies religion also lacks faith, charity, and compassion and "When a nation ignores the divine authority, it soon commits the excesses of fanatic nationalism, intoxicated with its own unchecked power, which have made […]

todayJuly 15, 2015 9

Founders Television

Happy Birthday to Timothy Pickering: Supporter of NORTHERN Secession

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Today is the birthday of one Timothy Pickering. Now, not too many people are familiar with Pickering but more people should be. Why? Because he was one of the first people to be in favor of states seceding from the Union. Oh, but not just ANY states... the NORTHERN STATES! One of the main reasons that people like Pickering (and other Northerners) […]

todayJuly 15, 2015 15

Founders Television

It Is The Government’s Duty… To Tax Your Booty

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Think you can keep your booty (Websters - "a rich gain or prize") from being taxed? Maybe by going the 1099 route on your income? Nope, not gonna happen. Everywhere you go, you are taxed. Buying gas? Taxed. Buying Groceries? Taxed. Using a cell phone? Taxed. I think you get the picture. All of these items have Federal taxes on them, and […]

todayJuly 15, 2015 10
