insert_link Transcripts How to Define a Conservative and Liberal Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The true conservative in the mold of [r]epublicans like Madison and Washington and Taylor of Caroline and the Englishman Burke and 20th century versions you would find like Tolkien and C.S. Elliott and Russell Kirk and others, they would not recognize today’s conservatives. I think that says an awful lot of bad things about today’s conservatives. I used to ask the question: what is […] todaySeptember 21, 2012 11
insert_link Daily Clip Every Clue We Have Says To Rethink The Union Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We sit here and think that we can save this union as it is and we can fix this. I keep asking the question: for what purpose? Why do you want to fix it? Can you tell me why? If you can’t get to the why, and I don’t believe that many people can, then can you get to the why of […] todaySeptember 20, 2012 4
insert_link Transcripts Hey Romney… The Real Debate Is Over the TAX, Not the Rate Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Let me inform you of something. Medicare is broke. It doesn’t have enough income today to offset what it’s going to spend tomorrow. Therefore, my daughter who just started her first payroll withholding job and is paying Medicare taxes that she can’t figure out why she has to pay, is subsidizing, having her meager 15-year-old wealth confiscated from her and then transferred to a […] todaySeptember 19, 2012 6
insert_link Daily Clip My Liberty Should Not Be On Your Ballot Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We are micromanaged and governmentalized in a corrupt fashion just like they are in European countries that we so love to decry, just as they are in Canada as we so love to decry. Are there differences? Yes. Are there bigger tyrannies in Europe than there are here? I’m sure there are. Are there bigger tyrannies against civil liberties than there are […] todaySeptember 19, 2012 9
insert_link Founders Television 2012 Constitution Day – Interview with Bradley Birzer Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Join us on our 2012 Constitution Day Extravaganza for this special [r]epublican radio podcast interview with Professor Bradley Birzer. Browse our archives for more Constitution Day interviews from Kevin Gutzman and Brion McClanahan. If you're not a Founders Pass member… sign up now! todaySeptember 19, 2012 9
insert_link Founders Television Obama: Spreading the Wealth Since 1998 Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast we play a clip from Obama at Loyola University in 1998 where he discuss the need to "pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution." Where was this audio four years ago folks? Not that it really matters… John McCain hammered him on the exact same comments he made to Joe the […] todaySeptember 19, 2012 8
insert_link Transcripts There’s No Agriculture in the Constitution Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - We should totally annihilate the Department of Agriculture. We should totally annihilate all subsidies, all of them, to any agriculture industry. You ought to eliminate tariffs on incoming farm goods. Make the farmers compete like everyone else. Yes, that means the FDA and EPA are going to have to be closed down, too, because they don’t have any constitutional role as well. No one […] todaySeptember 18, 2012 9
insert_link Daily Clip Clyde Wilson on Russell Kirk’s Southern Gentlemanly Conservatism Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Today on The Imaginative Conservative website, Clyde Wilson, the inimitable Clyde Wilson, one of the great living legends of Southern literature -- you may know that he co-wrote the book with Brion McClanahan Forgotten Conservatives in American History. Wilson writes this about the great Russell Kirk, the father of the modern conservative movement, a man that I think many of us would […] todaySeptember 18, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts Christian Charity is Good… Gubbmint Plunder Is Not Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If you’re not encouraging and elevating, pointing out and making great those that exercise obedience to the enforceable and try to be more virtuous and values-oriented, Christian or Judeo Christian in their daily life, then what do you expect you’re going to get? You’re going to get the rule of man. You’re going to get Christina Romans on CNN can determine when someone is […] todaySeptember 18, 2012 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1660
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy