insert_link The Constitution You Want Proof of 19th Century U.S. Pacifism? – Filibuster of Senator George Frisbe Hoar (Editor's Note: This transcript was originally posted on 21 December, 2012). Begin Mike Church Show Transcript - Mike: Here is a website-only exclusive that I dont know if I will get into the entire discussion of it today, the filibuster of Senator George Frisbe Hoar against the American war in the Philippines, but it will come up this week because there is a Republican debate Thursday night up in here. By […] todayNovember 3, 2014 14
insert_link Church Doctrine Rodham & Gommorah, Snap A Selfie, You Live In It Rodham & Gommorah, Snap A Selfie, You Live In It ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - O' Lord, I so detest being right in predicting our perverted road to perdition. A judge in New York has officially sanctioned the marriage of an uncle and his niece saying that the practice was “legal until 1893” and besides there’s no “comparably strong objection to Uncle-niece” marriages anyway. Really? Would there be any […] todayOctober 30, 2014 5
Pile Of Prep Thursday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from a Federal Court case that actually uses the first amendment's "establishment clause" properly...wheeee! Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "That Blackstone's definition of the liberty of the press, considered as accurate by the gentleman on the other […] todayOctober 30, 2014
insert_link Catholicism This Letter Is Why Pope Francis Is Approaching Apostasy-Commies Love Him Mandeville, LA - I have hundreds of notes from this particular letter writer, whom I never correspond with until today. His complaints against what he hears on my radio show included, but aren't limited to: • The Declaration incorporated the earth under Congress •The Constitution Incorporated the universe to Congress •The 14th Amendment was sent by Lucifer to consecrate every heresy & sin imagined Under Congress •John Taylor was a kindergarten […] todayOctober 29, 2014 7
Pile Of Prep Humpday Pile of Prep-The First Amendment Is Alive, Finally! Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from a Federal Court case that actually uses the first amendment's "establishment clause" properly...wheeee! Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "That Blackstone's definition of the liberty of the press, considered as accurate by the gentleman on the other […] todayOctober 29, 2014 12
insert_link Catholicism It’s a SURE Bet, Jesus Knew Gal Queda Would Arise When He Made Marriage Mandeville, LA - The conceit of our times is evident in nearly everything we read, see, and hear. Humility has no bridegroom in the era of ME. Case in point, the latest attempts to shoe-horn the inerrant word of Our Lord into the pseudo-conservative and vulgar progressive latest avant-garde lifestyles. Case in point, The Week's Damon Linker weighs in on the Holy Father Frances's latest efforts to "liberalize" Chuch teaching […] todayOctober 28, 2014 10
Church Doctrine Why Does “Mary Stand” With Planned Parenthood? Why Does Mary Stand With Planned Parenthood? ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - The hapless New Orleans media was on full display last night in the U.S. Senate race “debate” between challenger Colonel Rob Maness and incumbent Mary Landrieu. Missing in action, again, was vapor-candidate Congressman Bill Cassidy. A seat in the Senate represents one of two Louisiana votes on $4 TRILLION worth of federal largesse per year yet there […] todayOctober 28, 2014 12
Pile Of Prep Tuesday Pile of Prep-Memo To Pope Frances: The Big Bang is a Big Sham Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from a world gone mad. "Fox News goes all out in presenting: Canada's terrorism, "They are NOT immune". The usual suspects then chime in that this means we can make ALL of our continent a battlefield...wheeee! Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on […] todayOctober 28, 2014 32
insert_link Catholicism Newsflash: There IS NO Morality Without Religion. Turning Me Off Won’t Change That Mandeville, LA - The refrain is familiar and predictable whenever the topic of morality comes up on-air. "I am a moral person but I don't believe in religion or God." Which is then usually followed by "I rely on you for the Constitution not this morality crap you try shoving down our throats these days. I have now stopped listening until you are moved to the Catholic channel or fired […] todayOctober 27, 2014 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1786