
6014 Results / Page 560 of 669



The TSA is Always Right; Understand Citizen?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This particular post here by Jeffrey Tucker just strikes a nerve with myself and I'm sure with many of you because Tucker puts into words something that we have tried to put into words here and have been unsuccessful in doing so, I think. But now that I have this one I'm going to keep it at the ready.

todayJuly 28, 2013 6


The Sheeple Love Their Socialism

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - This is probably why Congressman Paul decided to get back into the presidential politics end of this business here, because he enjoys the challenge here, too. But let me boil this argument down here that the little Congressman, the gentle old grandfather from South Texas, Southeast Texas is unelectable. That means that the Constitution is unelectable. That's what that means. That's what you're saying. […]

todayJuly 27, 2013 15


The TSA is a AUTHORITARIAN Organization and MUST be Stopped!

NEW ORLEANS, La. - Ladies and Gentlemen, if you prefer LIBERTY over TYRANNY you must from this moment on don the uniform of the WINTER SOLDIER. it is obvious by the federal government's actions that they evince the imposition of a direct tyranny over the remaining free people in America. We must REFUSE and RESIST every single dignity-robbing tyrannical move they make in their design to coerce us into a […]

todayJuly 27, 2013 11


Statism: The Acceptance of Theft by Government Proxy Erodes Liberty

MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Exclusive Transcript - As Americans have come to accept the notion that the government must take from one group in order to help another, lest you be a selfish-greedy- ne'er-do-well, it evinces a purposeful design to alter the very essence of right and wrong whereby literal theft is passively accepted as coerced-compassion. Moreover, it changes how we view ourselves, by disconnecting our very tangible labors and what […]

todayJuly 27, 2013 10

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of why the 3rd Amendment should NOT be incorporated plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Bureaucracy” is a portmanteau word combining the French term for desk or office (“bureau”) with the ancient Greek word for government or rule (“kratos”). Thus, bureaucracy is 'government from the desk,' or “rule by office.” - Notice that from […]

todayJuly 26, 2013

Pile Of Prep

The Macabre Quest of Abortion Rights Advocates to Cleanse The States Continues

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the history of the Federal Courts continued flouting of the Constitution's ratified intent which contains no endorsement of abortion rights plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "As the men of the West stood dumbfounded, surrounded by strident and shimmering toys and gadgets, obsessed with supposed liberties and choices, smug […]

todayJuly 23, 2013 4

Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of why the 3rd Amendment should NOT be incorporated plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Now a conservative is a person who sees human society as an immortal contract between God and man, and between the generations that are dead, and the generation that is living now, and the generations […]

todayJuly 22, 2013 8


When US Marshals Attack

The Police State, practically speaking, was alive and well in Sarasota FL a few nights ago. The fact that the US Marshalls operate on the belief that citizens know who they are and what their supreme powers

todayJuly 21, 2013 9
