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Pile Of Prep

22 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

NOT a shockuh: DeNiro cracks racist joke (we can accuse ANYONE of racismfor ANYTHING too!) about Michelle Obama at Obama fundraiser, Gingrichdemands Obama apologizeDerbyshire: The mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in creates millions of jobs foranyone willing to pursue "homosexual justice" whatever that isSalon's Glenn Greenwald's new book "Unequal Justice" gets rave reviews atAmConMag as Greenwald assails the elite ramparts with a vigor worthy of a [r]epublican

todayMarch 22, 2012 10


Jonah Goldberg Wants to Return Power to Local Governments!? – Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Mike can't believe what he's reading! Jonah Goldberg, Decepticoncontributor for Brett Baier and the National Review Online, actuallywants to return to power to the local governments! He wants todisempower the national elite!? Did this guy finally take the FoundersRed Pill or did he just have an "off" day? Check out today's transcriptfrom the Mike Church Show for more.  Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  I […]

todayMarch 21, 2012 6


Church Doctrine – When Parents Finally Demand REAL School Choice, We Will All Benefit

  Please Subscribe to the 24/7 BackStage Pass to Watch, Listen to AND Download this full episode of the Post ShowShow for a mere $4.95 per month and help keep this quality, Founders Red Pill content airing daily for all to hear at Yourmembership also entitles you to a 15% Discount on ALL of Mike's DudeGear Store items including The Road To Independence and Spirit of '76 DVDsets, Mike's […]

todayMarch 21, 2012 14

Pile Of Prep

21 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

NOT a shockuh: DeNiro cracks racist joke (we can accuse ANYONE of racismfor ANYTHING too!) about Michelle Obama at Obama fundraiser, Gingrichdemands Obama apologizeDerbyshire: The mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in creates millions of jobs foranyone willing to pursue "homosexual justice" whatever that isSalon's Glenn Greenwald's new book "Unequal Justice" gets rave reviews atAmConMag as Greenwald assails the elite ramparts with a vigor worthy of a [r]epublican

todayMarch 21, 2012 8

Daily Clip

Karl Rove Calls The Iraq War “An Experiment” – Post Show Show Free Preview

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Not only did Karl Rove call the Iraq War an experiment but he alsocompared it to the Stimulus Spending. I'm sorry Mr. Rove but your"experiment" cost thousands of lives, I don't remember Stimulus spending actually harming or killing anyone. No one in Iraq asked to be invaded, but since you and President Bush, the smartest people in the world,deemed it so, well that's what […]

todayMarch 20, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

20 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Obama signs Executive Order conferring on himself ad his agency heads thepower to confiscate, control or enslave anyone or any entity in the U.S. that he may claim is necessary to "preparations for national defense"Last Train to Brokesville - Obama's own budget office drops a dime on hisscheme to bankrupt the entire country inside of ten years - Listen/download the Mike Church Show Band's "Last Train To Brokesville" parody songMark […]

todayMarch 20, 2012 13


Romney vs Santorum For The Heavy-Weight Economic Championship Of The Woooooorld! – Post Show Show Free Preview

[mp3t track='pss_hd_031912_preview.mp3']Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - They're trading jabs, they're throwing left hooks, there's even ahaymaker, and just when it looks like Romney's got Santorum up againstthe ropes, referee Axelrod comes in and breaks up all the Economicaction. Listen to today's Post Show Show free preview and see who youthink is the Economic Heavy-Weight Champion of the Wooooooorld!                 

todayMarch 19, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

19 March, 2012, Pile of Prep

Obama signs Executive Order conferring on himself ad his agency heads thepower to confiscate, control or enslave anyone or any entity in the U.S. that he may claim is necessary to "preparations for national defense"Last Train to Brokesville - Obama's own budget office drops a dime on hisscheme to bankrupt the entire country inside of ten years - Listen/download the Mike Church Show Band's "Last Train To Brokesville" parody songMark […]

todayMarch 19, 2012 24


James Madison's Birthday – Interview with Kevin Gutzman – Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Today, for James Madison's birthday, Professor Kevin Gutzman joinedus for a special interview. He discusses the incorporation of the Firstand Second Amendments, Santorum's crusade to ban pornography, JamesMadison and how he dealt with religion and government, and much, muchmore! (Audio will be available soon.)  Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  I promised the audience, while we were talking about James Madison and the Making of […]

todayMarch 16, 2012 2
