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The Mike Church Show

With New “Trans-Swimsuits” Target Has Placed A Target On Our Children’s Souls

Target  Remember in 2016 they opened their uni-sex bathrooms? They told their shoppers where they stood as a company. Why didn’t Christians listen? Why are people surprised when companies go all woke? HEADLINE: Consumers creeped out by Target's 'tuck-friendly' women's swimwear: 'Shopping elsewhere’ by Alexander Hall  This isn’t ‘woke capitalism’.  Capitol in the wrong hands is usually a terrible thing. I wish to practice economics as if my family matters. […]

todayMay 22, 2023 33

Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae “This new culture of abundance and consumption enabled, even encouraged, men and women to alter their identities as often as they pleased, and to do so without anxiety, fear, shame, or remorse. There was little about modern America that was fixed and stable. The inflation of desire, the longing for a greater number and variety of commodities in an expanding world of plenty, further diluted […]

todayMay 18, 2023 8

The New Christendom Daily

Trump Was A Private Citizen When The Crossfire Hurricaned Him

HEADLINE: Donald Trump Was a PRIVATE Citizen When The FBI & Obama Admin Crossfire Hurricaned Him by Mike Church “When Crossfire Hurricane was launched with what we now know, 0.0 actual evidence, it was nefariously launched by agents and officers of the Federal Gubbmint including President Dear Leader Chairman MaObama, Vice Sonofabitch Biden, then Director of the FBI James Comey, dozens of FBI agents and INjustice Department schemers, an unknow […]

todayMay 17, 2023 10

Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae “Toward the end of the nineteenth century, a new culture emerged in the United States. At its heart was the quest for wealth, security, comfort, and pleasure. Increasingly disconnected from traditional family and community life, and existing in opposition to old-fashioned religious and social values such as self-restraint and self-denial, hard work and delayed gratification, repression and guilt, this new culture emphasized luxury and indulgence." […]

todayMay 17, 2023 9

The New Christendom Daily

Deranged Order Of Priests Looks To Ordain Dominatrixican Lesbian Sisters And Bumedictine Gay Brothers with Michael Hichborn

SPECIAL GUEST Michael Hichborn Founder of the Lepanto Institute Follow the Institute on Twitter - @LepantoInst HEADLINE: AUSCP Statement on Homosexual Priests Rejects Church Teaching, Embraces Modernism by Michael Hichborn  The Church has always, from the beginning and in all sources of tradition, including Scripture, the Fathers the Councils and the catechisms taught that homosexual sexual activities are objectively sinful, and that deep-seated homosexual tendencies, while not sinful, are disordered, […]

todayMay 16, 2023 9

The New Christendom Daily

Tuesday New Christendom Daily-The FBI RussiaGate Hoax PROVES The Libtard’s War on Trump Is A War On US.

HEADLINE: Durham report sharply criticizes FBI’s 2016 Trump campaign probe by Devlin Barrett and Perry Stein  So it is truly all Obama’s fault! The FBI has now officially gotten caught being corrupt. Will anyone be made to pay for what they have done? For the lies they told about Donald Trump? If you went around stating that Trump was a Russian stooge, you were lied to by your government.  These […]

todayMay 16, 2023 25

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep – Trump And US Exonerated By Durham Report!

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae “This sickness, this psycho social experiment, just gets weirder and weirder. I hope a huge number of people cancel their SI subscriptions, like people swore off of Bud Light after the Dylan Mulvaney stunt. Even so, I remain mystified as to why the institutions of our society keep pushing this garbage. The freaking Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, of all things! This is the sexual equivalent […]

todayMay 16, 2023 14
