Daily Clip

Backlash From Gutzman Voting For Obama

todayJune 27, 2012 4

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    Backlash From Gutzman Voting For Obama ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – I have people that are angry at me and the mail continues to flow in because Kevin Gutzman said that he voted for Obama and not McCain.  Russ Howard wants me and anyone listening to know, “So your guru votes for the greater of two evils instead of the lesser.  The only thing more idiotic than that would be to defend it.  No wonder we’re living through this hell with that kind of genius in the world.”  Would that be your kind of genius that sees the world in terms of lesser of two evil, or would that be the principle genius that says, “I voted for Obama,” says Professor Gutzman, “because he was the only one promising to end the wars, and he didn’t do it, but that’s the reason why.”  What was your reason for voting for McCain, Mr. Howard?  Was it because he had a capital R in front of his name or was it because the Alaska governor was hot, sir? Check out today’s audio clip and the transcript for more…

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    Backlash From Gutzman Voting For Obama ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I have people that are angry at me and the mail continues to flow in because Kevin Gutzman said that he voted for Obama and not McCain.  Russ Howard wants me and anyone listening to know, “So your guru votes for the greater of two evils instead of the lesser.  The only thing more idiotic than that would be to defend it.  No wonder we’re living through this hell with that kind of genius in the world.”  Would that be your kind of genius that sees the world in terms of lesser of two evil, or would that be the principle genius that says, “I voted for Obama,” says Professor Gutzman, “because he was the only one promising to end the wars, and he didn’t do it, but that’s the reason why.”  What was your reason for voting for McCain, Mr. Howard?  Was it because he had a capital R in front of his name or was it because the Alaska governor was hot, sir?

We have another one.  Hold on.  We’re not finished with it.  This issue will not die.  One more.  “Hey, Church, I gotta give you props for sticking with your constitutional snob buddy.  You can’t be more principled than instead of voting for a doddering, affable half-commie suffering from Stockholm syndrome and instead voting for an anti-constitutionalist Marxist.”  I received emails on Monday from people telling me they were burning Gutzman books.  Don’t ever deviate from the script you were told to, in blind adherence and allegiance, follow your life by.  I wonder if given the choice between lesser of two evils in the 1770’s, ‘80s and ‘90s, I wonder how Jefferson, Adams, Taylor and company would have voted and how they would answer to the people that are critical of those that made, at least in their estimation, the wrong choice.  That’s a question that we may actually have some source documents to refer to and explore and gain an answer to.  You say what now?

Male:  I’m just wondering, if McCain had won the election, the people’s main complaint about Obama today is the economy.  Do you think the economy would have looked any different than it is now if McCain had won?

Mike:  McCain voted for TARP.  He voted for the bailout.  He said he supported the bailout at GM.  Remember, for all the people that are calling Gutzman an idiot and a traitor and what have you for not voting for McCain and instead voting for Obama, remember at the time that McCain foolishly suspended his campaign so that he could go to Mordor on the Potomac River and help construct the TARP program, help construct the bailout.  Then, and I will remind you of this, in the last of the three debates between Obama and McCain, McCain started the debate off with a homeowner bailout.  The first thing out the gun was that he proposed, [mocking] “Screw everybody.  We ought to bail everybody out that’s got a mortgage.  We have to bail people out.  I know people aren’t going to like this.  Screw ‘em.  We gotta do this.”

This is a man that has stood on the floor of the United States Senate and has basically pleaded for the President of the United States, without a congressional authorization, to lob ordinates at indiscriminate targets in countries that most people can’t point out on a map.  It was three months before McCain had put Sarah Palin on his ticket that most were convinced that were he to win the nomination, he would spell doom, gloom and the end of the conservative brand in the Republican Party.  Do you really think with John McCain as your standard bearer today you would be better off than you were or you have been than the loyal tea party opposition?

Male:  It has seemed that the GOP, for the last three elections, or last three candidates they’ve had, have all been kind of compromised candidates.  I can remember Republicans back in 2000 swearing that they would never ever vote for Bush, but if it came down to it, I guess I would.  When do you think they’ll get a candidate that everybody can rally behind and actually like.

Mike:  Again, let’s read Gutzman’s famous quote that I read here often on the program.  “It’s always hard to educate anyone to believe that there are some instances in which the U.S. Constitution, correctly read, does not yield the outcome they’d prefer.”  How many people have called up and threatened to cancel their subscription, threatened to wait outside this building to beat my behind and what have you because I’ve told them that the Second Amendment is not a universal right, nor is it an American right.  It is a prohibition against the general government taking your gun.  It doesn’t say a damn thing about what your state can do to you.  I always follow that up by saying I don’t think your state should take your gun.  A free state ought to be defended by free men with weapons.  The blind and the angry and those propagandized by 30 years of allegedly conservative talk radio and television don’t want to hear anything that gets in the way of the false narrative.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. crazyhorse on June 28, 2012

    My brother is a serious conservative and he voted for obama as a rejection of the bush admin and because obama said he’d end the wars…….my bro now regrets his vote. It happens.

  2. Omer on June 27, 2012

    Dr. Gutzman is very brave admitting he voted for Obama on your show. I unfortunately missed the segment where he confessed, but I would assume he used the knowledge he possessed at the time and made what he thought was the best choice. As a consevitive living in this cess pool known as Illinois, I knew much more about the Sen Obama than did most of the country due to the lack of vetting by the media. Dr. Gutzman, I’m sure, knew more about McCain and decided from Obama’s lofty excrement expulsions know as campaign speeches that he was the least worst person for the job. I hope, having seen the man in “action”, Dr. Gutzman regrets his decision, or at the very least, won’t make the mistake of voting for Obama again. I consider any person who admits their mistakes not all bad, and even better if they learn from them.
