Church Doctrine

Best of the C-Doc: Citizen! Meet your MASTER

todayJuly 19, 2011 14

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    Best of the C-Doc: Citizen! Meet your MASTER TheKingDude

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    Best of the C-Doc: Citizen! Meet your MASTER TheKingDude

Citizens Lose When The TSA Meets ObamaCare

2011 Mike Church

Hi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.

The state of TX seems to have found itself at a crossroads of late: Texas Nationalists are attracting supporters by the tens if not hundreds of thousands of citizens. These folks think enough is enough and that the Lone Star State should make plans to secede from the Union. Still an even larger number of Texans are equally dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Federal Government but like abused spouses, cant see the benefits of divorce, so they instead stand for nullification.

Then there are even larger numbers of Texans- millions of them who want neither but want something done about the Federal Leviathans encroachment into the waistbands of 6 year olds trying to fly TXs own Southwest airlines.

The Legislature responds by making it illegal to stick your hands in a siz year olds pants or blouse even IF you are an almighty federal parasite with the TSA. You can probably predict what the administration of Dear Leader-Chairman MaObamas response to this law was: try it and well impose a no-fly zone over Texas! Wow, would Obama ask Navy SEAL Team 6 and the 101st Airborne to destroy the assets of the aviation industry in TX and shoot down any planes in TX own airspace!?

Look, If Obama actually has the stones to threaten TX with a no-fly-zone and TX backs down from its new law, what would Obama & Co. threaten to fire upon next? Put another way, is there ANYTHING Obama WONT compel Americans to do? Like oh, I dont know purchase ObamaCare policies?

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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