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Bieszad Warns Islam ALWAYS Repeats History – The Refugee Crisis Is A Front For The Invasion

todaySeptember 23, 2015 6

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    Bieszad Warns Islam ALWAYS Repeats History – The Refugee Crisis Is A Front For The Invasion AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The problem with Islam is, you can do that until you can’t.  The same barbarism that drives Islam from its theology, to act the way it does, is the same power that they have to conquer.  What will happen is — you see this repeated throughout history.  You see it in Spain.  You see it in the Mediterranean.  You see it in the Byzantine Empire.  Check out today’s transcript AND CLIP OF THE DAY for the rest….

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    Bieszad Warns Islam ALWAYS Repeats History – The Refugee Crisis Is A Front For The Invasion AbbyMcGinnis

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    Bieszad Warns Islam ALWAYS Repeats History – The Refugee Crisis Is A Front For The Invasion AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There was some evidence that there was some declassified documents that said that their demise was officially planned?

Andrew Bieszad:  Yes.  Let me put it like this.  If you look at the documents, what’s going on — and this is a problem that is very traditional with Islam.  You have — I think I’ve mentioned this before in some of my writings; I may have mentioned it on your show before.  When you’re dealing with Islam, Islam is very much a religion that works on groupthink.  There is no thinking in Islam.  I tell people, if you want to understand Islam, stop thinking and you’ll be able to understand the theology much easier.  When you’re looking at [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]this, again, think about this in the perspective of a person whose sole goal is the acquisition of money and power by any and all means possible.  The answers defy the means, a Machiavellian worldview.

If you look at a Muslim population, they are very easy to control initially because you can simply herd them just by influencing them with power, with money, with handouts, with their religion to follow what you do.  If anybody has any doubt about this, this has been going on for centuries.  One of the greatest people who actually was involved in influencing Muslim populations to do this was the famous British explorer T.E. Lawrence.  That’s what his entire life mission was, to rouse the Muslim population, the Arab populations to turn against the other Muslim populations so that the Brits could conquer and divide up the Middle East.  That is what he did.  He writes about this in his book.  I have T.E. Lawrence’s works.  He regretted a lot of his work later but that’s what he did.

The problem with Islam is, you can do that until you can’t.  The same barbarism that drives Islam from its theology, to act the way it does, is the same power that they have to conquer.  What will happen is — you see this repeated throughout history.  You see it in Spain.  You see it in the Mediterranean.  You see it in the Byzantine Empire.  People will ally with certain Muslim groups against other Muslim groups to expand their power until the same groups they allied with turn against them.  Eventually they end up falling under the domination.

That is what we are doing, again, on a larger scale.  For America, we have an oil addiction.  We need oil to keep our economy going.  It makes a lot of money for certain people.  Some people don’t have morals, will do everything and anything to preserve their power.  They believe, from what I have seen — again, based on simple historical analysis, they’re doing what dictators of the past did.  They are influencing, manipulating Muslim populations to get what they want.  The problem is, when you’re encouraging Islam revivalism, when you’re encouraging this kind of behavior, eventually it’s sort of like a ringmaster beating and whipping a lion too much.  Eventually that lion is going to eat him.  That is what we are starting to see.  We’re thinking we can move Muslim populations to Europe, to control European populations, to perhaps get more money here or there.  There are a lot of details that are still unclear and that will emerge in time.  The fact is, ultimately this is a losing proposition.

This is one of the reasons why in my book I did not write about, in my book Lions of the Faith about Catholic saints and heroes, I did not write about [unintelligible].  He was a very famous Spanish warrior of the ninth and tenth centuries.  He fought against a lot of Muslims.  The reason I did not include him is there is actually evidence that he was involved in this kind of power play where he allied with one Muslim group to support another to go against another so he could extend his powerbase.  What he did, if you look at his work, as much as he did some helpful things for Christians, he ended up creating vacuums in Spain and the Muslim armies were able to easily fill.  It actually worsened the situation.  Again, this is an ongoing problem but it’s a problem that, from what I’ve seen, goes back to Charlemagne’s time.  It’s never been resolved.

Mike:  What happened with Charlemagne or at the time of Charlemagne? [/private]

Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry's wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.
Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry’s wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.

Bieszad:  What happened with him is he was working with the — he had trust with the Middle East and across the Mediterranean.  He was running into issues with his slaves, with his ships being captured and people being sold to slavery.  One of the things he did is, you still had the Slavic people in the eastern part of Europe.  These people had not been converted yet.  There were three areas; one of them is called [unintelligible].  What he was doing was, he said: Okay, we can sell these barbaric pagans as Slavic slaves to the Muslim people.  Maybe that will help calm them down and they won’t attack my ships as much.   It worked.  He had good business interest.  He had actually received gifts from the caliph of Baghdad.  I forget which caliph’s name it was, but he did receive — he received some other interesting curiosity pieces, very ornate, too.

The problem, though, is it didn’t stop the slave trade.  It didn’t stop the slave trade in his people.  While they got what they wanted, ultimately they still turned on his own ships and his own businessmen.  They were still demanding:  You need to give us more of these slaves from Eastern Europe.  Eventually he cut off doing business with them.  The point is, it’s like feeding a monster.  You keep feeding the monster to satisfy it and eventually the monster gets bigger and bigger.  Next thing you know, he wants to eat you.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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