
Bipartisan Deceit Plagues Western Civilation and the US

todayDecember 6, 2012 16


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If there were two actual, literally, seriously, diametrically opposed sides — and there are — I’d be the first to raise my hand, ask some female member of the audience to weave together a battle flag, some male member to get a lathe out and from a Cyprus tree hew me a pole to hold it on, hoist it up in the air, and lead you into battle.  That is not the case.  This is a bipartisan cabal.  Both parties are equally guilty.  Over the course of the last twelve years, with Obama’s next four years without even having his own Congress, he is going to be aided and abetted by the Republican Congress.  It’s not bad enough that the Bush administration, aided and abetted by the Delay and then Hastert Congresses, didn’t set us off on a bad enough course, now Boehner and company want to exacerbate it and help Obama.  Republican hands are all over this. Check out the rest in today’s transcript…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I want to go back.  On Julie’s phone call and the statement she was making, that she had come back to the conclusion that this was a bipartisan cabal.  It was peculiar to me the way the call ended.  I saw this on the Twitter feed.  I watch the Twitter feed during the show.  It’s easy to monitor.  The comments that I saw about the first part of Julie’s call was: Mike, why are you tolerating red v. blue, Yankees v. Red Socks, conservatives v. liberals, Republicans v. Democrats?  What is this woman talking about?  My response was: I know, I know.  That’s why I challenged her on this.  My concern is that if I don’t personally or someone like me doesn’t personally challenge this ubiquitous point of view amongst those that listen to talk radio shows and believe they are receiving these amazing educations, if you’re not being challenged, what is the point of the education?  Are you really being educated or are you being propagandized?  That is a very real concern.

The idea that’s being floated here, again, I just can’t get over this.  The idea that’s being floated here is that there is one side that is good.  They are consecrated by God himself.  They represent goodness and light and truth and all the good things in life.  They are good as our protectors and defenders.  Their voices are like the voices of angels.  It is a chorus of angels.  You hear the monks pining away for Boehner and company, our Republican saviors.  Then there is the evil that is out there.  There is the evil that is the dark lord.  There is the evil that is Obama and Pelosi and Democrats.  They’re the bad guys.  They’ve got black suits on.  They ride black horses.  Do you people really believe that, seriously?  That is not a point of view that any modern history bears out.

I just don’t understand why some of you continue.  Why do you persist?  You want to talk about neurotic, that’s neurotic.  I know the definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  I guess then that this is insanity.  If there were two actual, literally, seriously, diametrically opposed sides — and there are — I’d be the first to raise my hand, ask some female member of the audience to weave together a battle flag, some male member to get a lathe out and from a Cyprus tree hew me a pole to hold it on, hoist it up in the air, and lead you into battle.  That is not the case.  This is a bipartisan cabal.  Both parties are equally guilty.  Over the course of the last twelve years, with Obama’s next four years without even having his own Congress, he is going to be aided and abetted by the Republican Congress.  It’s not bad enough that the Bush administration, aided and abetted by the Delay and then Hastert Congresses, didn’t set us off on a bad enough course, now Boehner and company want to exacerbate it and help Obama.  Republican hands are all over this.

This, to me, is the major problem here.  You do not have two diametrically opposed parties.  They both want basically the same thing.  Their language and rhetoric to get it are different, but at the end of the day, the result is the same.  Under Republicans, unbelievable massive deficits, unwinnable wars stretching into years and now into decades.  Under Democrats unbelievable deficits, unbelievable spending, and under Obama, undeclared wars now stretching into years.  The result is the same.  Yet there’s this delusion out there that if you go this way you get that and if you go this way you get that.  You do get different personalities and you do get a different delivery vehicle and it sounds a little different, but look at the result.  The result is the same.  That’s what I was pleading with Julie to look at, the results.

The fact that Republicans actually seriously buy into the idea that there’s a fiscal cliff is just ridiculous to me to start with.  They then are surrendering the ground, any of them that agree, like Lindsey Graham for example.  [mocking Graham] “We’re just gonna go hop in a car and drive it off the cliff.  We’re not going to make a deal with a President…we’re gonna drive the car right off the cliff.  We’re not giving any defense cuts.  That’s not gonna happen.”  If you admit that there is a cliff, then you admit that Big Brother, our general government, is at least partially responsible then for our prosperity.  That’s not what the founders believed.  That’s not what the generation that came before the founders believed.  As a matter of fact, they did everything they could to try to prevent that belief from taking root, and certainly to try to institute a government that wouldn’t allow it to take root, yet take root it has.

This is like believing in the Easter Bunny.  There is no fiscal cliff.  The fiscal cliff was crossed when the GDP was eclipsed by the outstanding, immediately-due debt.  That was the cliff.  I’d say the fiscal cliff was crossed when one-third of the GDP was eclipsed by the debt actually owed on the balance sheet.  You get into dangerous territory when you allow more one-third of what your country produces in outstanding debt.  That’s dangerous territory.  33 percent?  Nah.  66 percent?  All right, maybe.  80 percent?  We ought to try to slow it down.  90 percent?  Seriously, we ought to try to slow it down.  100 percent?  Okay, really, now we’re going towards a cliff.  Now we’re going towards a cliff, now?

When your average American spends money, it does it just like its government does, yet we demand that it stop doing what we’re doing.  Seriously, the simple things, the basics are being ignored, simple, basic solutions like the one I proposed yesterday are being ignored in favor of the obtuse, in favor of the unobtainable, in favor of the complex.  This is what tyrants and tyrannies do.  They have us all confused.  They have us feuding and fighting with one another.  The simple, truthful things in life are no longer simple and truthful.  Is there any truth?  I don’t know.

Go ask a cadet at West Point if there’s any truth left.  You can’t even pray if you’re in the military now.  If you do that at West Point, you’re violating separation of church and state.  No, not unless the orders are coming from Congress and Congress has ordered West Point to order those boys to pray, then yeah, you’re violating the First Amendment.  I’ve seen no such evidence of that.  We must now purge any remnant of the truth of the transcended from our military masses or from our military academies.  What if the Virginia Military Institute wants it that way?  I’m reading right now all I can get my hands on about the life of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.  By every indication that I can get my hands on, from the time that VMI was founded until the time that Jackson left VMI, those boys all prayed.  They were taught to pray.  They were told that prayer would guide them through battle and give them peace in battle.  Jackson is famous for saying that he felt just as comfortable staring union cannonade down as he did sleeping in his bed.  Why?  Because he was at peace with his maker.  In other words, he had been taught to be a Christian gentleman and a Christian soldier, that he should not pick up a weapon unless he was forced to pick it up.

We can’t even teach that now.  Even the hint, any reference to a higher authority at West Point now, whoever this kid is here, and of course he’s going to be abetted by the secular hacks in the media or in certain media, [mocking] “We’ve got a First Amendment case here.”  Yes, let’s tear asunder yet another institution and any vestige whatever that remains at West Point of its once greatness.  It’s an institution that, yes, taught young men war, but also taught them just war.  How do you teach just war without teaching the Just?  Explain that one to me.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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