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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Boy Scouts capitulation and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.- “It provides everything that is necessary for our progress in virtue. In itself, it provides for all our needs. When trouble overwhelms us, it teaches us how to work through it; when a difficulty arises, it gives us the key to victory over it; when we commit a fault it gives us the means to repair the damage.” – Introduction to St Francis de Sales Spiritual Directory (a guide for Christ-like Gentlemanly living)
That revolving door between the Big Business crowd that so loves Big Government now shows anyone willing to open their eyes and READ exactly what John Taylor called “Tyranny Unmasked”
TIC, Brad Birzer – We are a people forged out of “Rage” but the rage was originally a good rage, directed at Christian, [r]epublican life
Tea Party dupes: Democrats figure the best way to beat Mitch McConell in KY is for a Christine O’Donnell type to beat Mitch in a primary
Atlantic: When feminists win “the right” to fight in combat we lose just one more objection to war itself
“Are you really happy to see me Scout Master Billy!?” – Boy Scouts of America are about to cave in and allow openly gay scout masters as the institutions and traditions fall, 1 by 1, what will be left of the old order besides ashes and despair?
Robert Murphy: In high praise of workplace discrimination against very attractive women and other things employers may or may not do with THEIR capital
Latin phrase of the day: “Si fueris Romae, Romano vivto more” – When in Rome, do as Romans do!
It will come slowly then spike when the interest rates begins to go north that is when the economy built on a mountain of fake money begins its fina act
Is France “totally bankrupt” as their finance minister goofed up and said? You decide…
First of all, who anoints people as “conservatives” these days? Second of all when a magazine holds a confab with the implied goal of saving a partisan outfit (the Republican Party) what possible intellectual examination is possible outside of “what gets you back to the White House” chatter?
When SkyNet took over the world in Cameron’s “Terminator” movies did the author envision the rise of the Drones which we are currently witnessing as drones are now set to take over the U.S. Mexico border
Why did Sen. Rand Paul choose to embrace then guarantee “Israel will have our support if a war is waged against them” when the public at large doesn’t agree with that and those outside the GOP CERTAINLY don’t agree with that?
Goose & Gander follies: And while Rand flounders in his new ersatz DeceptiCON suit-jacket Marco Rubio works feverishly to prove John McCAin was right (and electable) all along
If you thought that “gay marriage” was the radical homosexual’s final gambit, think again oh and remember where Jeffrey Lord said they were going with all this (Original post on polyamory)
I love how a good editorial about beer and drinking can cheer the conservative spirits regardless of who is (campus) President
Written by: TheKingDude
bailouts Beer Boy Scouts Brad Birzer feminists Israel Jeffrey Lord john taylor Jordan Bloom ployamory rand paul Tea Party tyranny
todayAugust 28, 2024 116 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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