Post Show Show – 30 January 2012
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Gingrich: Dumbocratic mole? Makes sense to me he is certainly no "conservative"Space, the final frontier for dumping trillions as Gingrich dreams of usingthe IRS to collect enough $$ to start building the "Newt Horizon" spacestation and then moon colony, I mean 51st stateVernoique de Rugy: Obama's SOTU was eighth grade […]
TONIGHT!! Click here to be taken to the LIVE Video webcastbeginning at 06:00 pm CST. This is a RECRUITING meeting and all membersare asked to attend AND bring at least one guest. Tonight in addition to regular orders and Mike Church & David Simpson the RFFS of SELA holds its […]
[mp3t track='26012012_Transcript_COD_Matthew_wants_Chinese_goods_outlawed_in_USA.mp3']Mandeville, LA - On today's show I took a call from several listeners who demanded that I retract statements made in support of Apple Computer and their manufacturing of iPads and iPhones in China. The callers demanded an outright BAN on ANY imported products not made by companies with […]
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Gingrich: Dumbocratic mole? Makes sense to me he is certainly no "conservative"Space, the final frontier for dumping trillions as Gingrich dreams of usingthe IRS to collect enough $$ to start building the "Newt Horizon" spacestation and then moon colony, I mean 51st stateVernoique de Rugy: Obama's SOTU was eighth grade […]
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The Gingrich who stole conservatism promises to not attend any more debates where the wrestling/NASCAR crowd is not allowed to boo/hiss and do thewaveBig Brother's defenders want google to stop letting conspiracy nuts searchfor conspiracy nut stuff on the internet which is bound to create evenmore conspiracy theoriesBuchanan: Newt vs […]
State of the Union Address Thomas Jefferson December 8, 1801 FELLOW CITIZENS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: It is a circumstance of sincere gratification to me that on meeting the great council of our nation I am able to an nounce to them on grounds of reasonable certainty […]