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Founders Television

Big Government Destroys Small Business

MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - The bigger the Federal, State, and local governments, the more regulations they make for business, the bigger a business must become to handle all of it. For instance, the Amazon case, where they are going to start charging taxes in some states, how does that affect the small business that sells to the other 49 states? If a small business has to keep up with sales tax to 50 different states, fill out 50 […]

todayMay 3, 2012 2


Romney Should Either Listen to Ron Paul or Go Full Neo-Con and Propose the Draft

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - If anyone from the Romney campaign is listening, reading, viewing this website, they should know that if Romney wants to win they need to be listening to Ron Paul. "But Mike, Paul only gets 10-12% in the polls" you say, well that's in the GOP race, Romney is going to have to pull in some Independents and Democrats, which Paul polls much better with. OR he can go full Neo-Con, propose a […]

todayMay 3, 2012 3

Daily Clip

What Secede Means e.g.: The United States Should SECEDE From Afghanistan

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Today's vocabulary word of the day is: Secede. It's from the Latin word "secedere" and means to withdraw, which is what Obama and the United States should be doing in Afghanistan. But we're not allowed to used the word s-word anymore because Lincoln supposedly abolished it. But in the 1800's secede was actually a word that was used quite often: "I'm going to secede to the bathroom" or "time to secede to […]

todayMay 3, 2012 23

Pile Of Prep

Gingrich Gives Back of Hand: Romney Isn’t As Good As Me But Still Better Than Obama

In what must be the most overachieving moment in recent politics history, Newt bows out without bowing out without endorsing Romney and without backing off his publicly financed Moon Base Is anyone at the Romney campaign listening? Obama has upper hand on foreign policy and none of Romney's attacks make a dent (which is why Mitt should be listening to Ron Paul) Freedom has another strand of the rope it is dangling by severed by making sales tax collection […]

todayMay 3, 2012 2


Interview with David Simpson

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Check out today's transcript of Mike's interview with David Simpson. In the interview David discusses his how to be your own banker system including his "four-bucket strategy", the four places you can put your money where you can expect a return. David also discusses the housing market with Caller Scott and how you should really be thinking of your house.  Check out today's transcript for more... Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  David Simpson […]

todayMay 2, 2012 6


Louisiana Bicentennial History

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - It was on January 22, 1812 that Louisianans decided we’re going to carve off this piece of the territory, the Orleans Territory, and we’re going to call this the State of Louisiana.  The congress that bought the territory says that we can do that.  The Louisiana Purchase document acknowledged that the inhabitants of what was being purchased would remain sovereign.  Of course, they were encouraged to form their own states.  So the State of […]

todayMay 2, 2012 7

Founders Television

America: Gatekeepers of Freedom

MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Everyone on Earth, and in the Milky Way and all the other galaxies and mirror universes out there, want freedom but the United States seems to think that it is the gatekeeper of freedom, that everyone out there has to go through us to attain freedom. For the American way of life to prevail, for us to have freedom, we have to invade Romulus, set up moon bases, oh, and have troops in Afghanistan […]

todayMay 2, 2012 2

Church Doctrine

Happy 200th Birthday to the Country of Louisiana

  Happy 200th Birthday to The Country of Louisiana 1812-2012 ©2012 Mike Church Yesterday, 30 April 2012 marked the 200th4 anniversary of Louisiana’s membership in the Union of these United States of America. The front page of today’s Times Picayune blares out the misinformed headline “200 years after joining the nation, Louisiana…” blah blah blah. The headline is misinformed because Louisiana IS a nation in the same sense that France is a nation. At the time of our admission to […]

todayMay 2, 2012 4
