Thank You For Smoking, Eating Hubig’s Pies and Elmer’s Chee Wees ©2012 Mike Church In a letter to the Times Picayune Ochsner-New Orleans CEO Dr. Patrick Quinlan waxes Hyppocratic over the “healthcare costs” that accrue to Louisiana smokers. Quinlan claims that smoking runs up the Who Dat healthcare tab* by $1.47 BILLION every year. Wow, just imagine how many “Bridge May Ice In Cold Weather” signs that could pay for! What Quinlan and the rest of the smoking KGB don’t […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - We are all fully aware that the growing central government is a major problem in this day and age... well, the listeners of this show and readers of this site at least. But to think that there are people who are gathering in secret and actively planning, and have been for the last 50 years, the demise of America is absolutely absurd. It makes a great movie plot but in real life […]
N Korea's Taepodong III missile launches then disintegrates in nick of time to spare John Bolton a moustache-pulling fit of uncontrollable fear for Kansas City's existence Pat Buchanan: Obama NOW has a Trayvon Martin problem but I don't see that as in issue simply because a much more damning & powerful black man posed a bigger threat: Jeremiah Wright, and Obama survived him Hillary Orca Rosen - fondly referred to as "HOR" around these parts, finds the female strength to […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Check out Mike's exclusive interview with Professor Donald Livingston right here. They discuss the size and scope of the Federal Government and how out of scale it has become. This is the main focus of Mr Livingston's new book "Rethinking the American Union for the Twenty-First Century." Listen to the first five minutes of the interview and check out the transcript for the entire interview! Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Now […]