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Los Angeles City Council Bans "Hoes" – Mike Church Show Exclusive Audio

[mp3t track='hoes_hiphop_nappy_headed_montage.mp3'] Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  The City of Los Angeles is out there passing resolutions banningcertain kinds of speech, or calling for a ban on certain kinds of speech on talk radio.  They actually had a vote on it.  This is whats shocking.  They actually voted on it.  They voted for the resolution, which is -- I dont know what they hope to accomplish by this.  I see we have a call or two on hold -- here […]

todayMarch 26, 2012 3


Los Angeles City Council Bans "Hoes" – Mike Church Show Exclusive Audio & Transcript

[mp3t track='hoes_hiphop_nappy_headed_montage.mp3'] Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  The City of Los Angeles is out there passing resolutions banning certain kinds of speech, or calling for a ban on certain kinds of speech on talk radio.  They actually had a vote on it.  This is whats shocking.  They actually voted on it.  They voted for the resolution, which is -- I dont know what they hope to accomplish by this.  I see we have a call or two on hold -- […]

todayMarch 26, 2012 6


Founding Father Films Radio – 22-26 March 2012

Mandeville, LA - Check out Founding Father Films Radio thisweekend while you're driving to the beach with your family, relaxing athome, or passing the time at work. We've got the last several weeks ofPost Show Show's for you including Mike's speech to the Young Founder'sSociety at Stony Brook University and his and Prof. Donald Livingston'sspeeches at the Mises Institute in Auburn, AL. If you missed any of this great content, now's the time to catch up!Listen to the stream on […]

todayMarch 22, 2012 10


Ron Paul Gets Applause in Burbank, Crickets in S. Carolina – Post Show Show Free Preview

[mp3t track='pss_hd_032212_preview.mp3']Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Ron Paul was on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno the other night andhad several great things to say to the Burbank, LA audience. But what is that I hear out there? APPLAUSE when the old man mentions theConstitution!? What happened when he mentioned it in S. Carolina?Crickets... Check out today's Post Show Show free preview for more.                

todayMarch 22, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

22 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

NOT a shockuh: DeNiro cracks racist joke (we can accuse ANYONE of racismfor ANYTHING too!) about Michelle Obama at Obama fundraiser, Gingrichdemands Obama apologizeDerbyshire: The mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in creates millions of jobs foranyone willing to pursue "homosexual justice" whatever that isSalon's Glenn Greenwald's new book "Unequal Justice" gets rave reviews atAmConMag as Greenwald assails the elite ramparts with a vigor worthy of a [r]epublican

todayMarch 22, 2012 10


Jonah Goldberg Wants to Return Power to Local Governments!? – Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Mike can't believe what he's reading! Jonah Goldberg, Decepticoncontributor for Brett Baier and the National Review Online, actuallywants to return to power to the local governments! He wants todisempower the national elite!? Did this guy finally take the FoundersRed Pill or did he just have an "off" day? Check out today's transcriptfrom the Mike Church Show for more.  Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  I literally almost spewed coffee across the room this morning when […]

todayMarch 21, 2012 6


Church Doctrine – When Parents Finally Demand REAL School Choice, We Will All Benefit

  Please Subscribe to the 24/7 BackStage Pass to Watch, Listen to AND Download this full episode of the Post ShowShow for a mere $4.95 per month and help keep this quality, Founders Red Pill content airing daily for all to hear at Yourmembership also entitles you to a 15% Discount on ALL of Mike's DudeGear Store items including The Road To Independence and Spirit of '76 DVDsets, Mike's original design t-shirts and much more. Click here to subscribe […]

todayMarch 21, 2012 14
