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Church Doctrine-A Funny Thing happened On The Way To Iowa

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To IowaChurch Doctrine - A Funny Thing Happened On The Way ToIowa|| folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.2011 Mike Church The Republican Iowa caucus is scheduled for Tuesday January 3rd and thefield of candidates has begun to narrow as have the potential winners.The latest Des Moines County Register poll has Newt Gingrich in first at 25%, Ron Paul in second at 18% with Governor Mitt Romney pulling up3rd. Now if you […]

todayDecember 5, 2011 5

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Iowa

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Iowa2011 Mike ChurchHey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.The Republican Iowa caucus is scheduled for Tuesday January 3rd and the field of candidates has begun to narrow as have the potential winners. The latest Des Moines County Register poll has Newt Gingrich in first at 25%, Ron Paul in second at 18% with Governor Mitt Romney pulling up 3rd. Now if you were to go looking for these poll […]

todayDecember 5, 2011 5

Pile Of Prep

05 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Atlantic Magazine: Ron Paul is more mainstream on foreign policy than any of his rival GOP'ersWhy is it that so many are so aggravated by Tim Tebow's very publicdisplays of faith (few seem to be so inclined to GaGa's public displaysof body parts, sex positionsand other filth)NRO Columnist Charen: Milton Freidman and Ron Paul are (and were) RIGHT about the war on drugsWhile on other NRO pages we see this silly endorsement of Mitt Romney as THEONLY candidate worthy of […]

todayDecember 4, 2011 11

Pile Of Prep

02 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Looking for the Newt faux pas? Well they happen everyday to the Cocksure inchief and heir to the TV-teaching-presidential throneDeceptiCONS in Senate throw Bandaids at the severed head of the former republic in the form of payroll tax cut extensionsRon PAul's Iowa campaign ground game rated as the BEST in the state (of course it IS a HuffPo rating but WTH!?WaPoblog notes that Ron Paul has set his target sights on the latest fakeconservative to rise to True Romance status […]

todayDecember 2, 2011 3

Pile Of Prep

01 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Isthere anything that can slow down the fantasy train that believesconferring an unconstitutional power of the President solevs or fixesour current fiscal-corruption woes!? Just say NO to line-item vetoRon Paul still polling TOP TIER in NH, where I will be on January 10th for the NH PrimaryThe Stinkify Wall Street losers turn their steely gaze on that most august of all 99%'ers...Obama!?WaPoblog notes that Ron Paul has set his target sights on the latest fakeconservative to rise to True Romance […]

todayDecember 1, 2011 5

Pile Of Prep

30 November, 2011 Pile of Prep

Constitution!? What is that!? Senators vote to give the military a domestic lawenforcement capacity they should never possess (unless we are actuallyinvaded and a war is declared)Romney: I am married to the individual mandate and I shall keep my sacred vow to it and defend it til Primary death do us partExactly when did Congress acquire the authority to delegate lawmaking power toan unconstitutional agency - The EPA - and then sit idly by as thatagency consumes an entire industry […]

todayNovember 30, 2011 5


Help Wanted to Save Your Country: Strong Fathers

[mp3t track='29112011_Transcript1_Fathers_more_important_than_selfish_single_mothers_EDIT.mp3']I do not even know how to define this.  I dont even know if Im a social conservative anymore.  I cant tell.  Listen up.  Charles Murray, one of the great minds of the last half of the 20th Century, is a scholar.  He writes about things that no one else will write about them because the other people that write about them get fired, or harassed and laughed out of polite academia.  Murray, who co-authored the book The Bell […]

todayNovember 29, 2011 9
