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Daily Clip

The New Class of Republic DeceptiCONS: Bad In Place of Worse

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - How many people out there plan on getting their respective Congressmen to repeal Obamacare with no deal made? Sounds like a fantastic gameplan, right? That is untilthe Federal Government continues to fuel this fiscal disaster and theDude Nation realizes what Mike's been saying all along.."You can changethe deck chairs, but the ships still gonna sink!" Related Materials: Don't Trust Government Healthcare

todayOctober 26, 2010 10

Daily Clip

Mad Man’s Agenda Depends On Republican Testicular Fortitude

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Focusingon the deficit for the next two years, Obama will try and make gains ondeficit reduction, education and energy while enforcing healthcare andfinancial overhauls. Don't worry though, he also plans on protectingthem from repeal just in case the Republicans try and 'put baby in thecorner'.   

todayOctober 25, 2010 3

Daily Clip

National Communist Radio and Hippies?

Itappears National 'Communist' Radio has taken the liberty of gettingthemselves into a little hot water over terminating Juan Williams. Putaside all the rumored 'defund NPR' jargon and let Mr. Church teach youhow to really get at those Public Radio purse strings!

todayOctober 22, 2010 4

Daily Clip

Piece of Pie!

Thelevel of mandatory spending has exceeded the total amount of the lastyear when Bush was in office. So what are we up against now? Well,Mike's got a pie and would like to explain it.

todayOctober 21, 2010 12

Daily Clip

Barack and Michelle Obama Debut Get out the Vote Video “Get in the Game”

Barack and  Michelle Obama Shill Electoral Propaganda in Hopes of Continuing "Change"Listen to the Segment from the Show Mike Church Show|Clip of the Day| MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Mike dissects the transparent attempt made by First Lady Michelle and President Barrack Obama in their one last desperate hope of salvaging Democrat seats in Congress, coming on the heels of ever-growing list of pundits forecasting  a literal hemorrhage of incumbent Democrats as a result of this fall's mid-term elections.The video, entitled "Get […]

todayOctober 20, 2010 4

Daily Clip

Clip of The Day 15 October, 2010

Mike can't help but laugh along with the rest of the world as Sharon Angle smacks Harry Worthless Warbucks Reid with the soon to be infamous "Man up Harry Reid" statement in last night's NV U.S. Senate debate.

todayOctober 18, 2010 5


Test transcript 181010

[mp3t track='10_15_2010_race_flatscreen_tv_1.mp3']18 October, 2010 -Mike was out todays so David Webb filled in.Transcript to follow. 

todayOctober 18, 2010 2

Daily Clip

The Elevation of Science as GOD

Statist Politicians Campaign to Secure Government Scientists as High Priests (Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Following the debate between Christine ODonnell and Chris Coons, Mike explores the statist tactic of how big government politicians not only denigrate people of faith, but also their bait and switch ruse of replacing those private individual religious views with the states government funded expert-scientists as the centrally approved dogma.A reality just as dangerous to individual liberty as would be any government-approved religion, albeit cloaked under the […]

todayOctober 15, 2010 5

Daily Clip

Fixing the Broken

Task of Restoring the Republic lies with the People not Politicians inWashington(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - On todays show, Mike discusses the undeniable responsibility we as a people must acknowledge as it relates tothe federal governments never-ending expansion past its Constitutionalrestraints. Whether by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment which designed andsucceeded in democratizing the Republic while simultaneously granting anunchecked strangle-hold to monetarists and corporatists or by turning to thefail-safe engrossed into the Constitution via an Article V convention, in theend We the […]

todayOctober 12, 2010 5
