The Mike Church Show

Butchers, Cake Bakers, and Sodomite Makers – Mike Church Show

todayFebruary 8, 2018 12


Mandeville, La – Colleen Hammond -author of Dressing With Dignity – joined Mike for her first appearance on the show. Mike also revealed the 2.4 BILLION person holocaust that abortion has produced the world over since Roe and Brother André Marie of ReConquest joined Mike for a PREVIEW of tonight’s Apologetics class on CRUSADE!

To Listen to or Download this entire episode of The Mike Church Show, Click Here!

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:13  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on February 7, 2018

Call the show 844-5CRUSADE















HEADLINE: A California Judge Protects the Wedding Baker by Jeffrey M. Trissell

Side-bar: There is not going to be an opposition party in California after the next election. It’s over. As a matter of fact, those running are all running to see who can be the biggest communist. The Republican party has quit the state!

It doesn’t even matter if the Republicans show up they can’t get anything done b/c they simply don’t have the votes….for anything.

back to headline: California Judge Protects…

  • A lesbian couple wanted a “lesbonite” wedding cake
  • Can I compel my neighbor to use their skill to make something for me?
  • You must do whatever the gay community asks you to do
  • California has a clause for “freedom of speech” in their Constitution
  • Most that live in CA probably don’t know how to even obtain their constitution
  • Civil Law must be in compliance with the ‘higher’ law or it is an “unjust” law
  • The US Constitution doesn’t say anything about this matter
  • What if we were talking about a porno shop? What if someone walked in and said hey, I don’t see any National Geographic videos here. But they insist on YOU stocking NatGeo videos.

    Order Mike’s Life of Washington book, in hardback, FIRST U.S. printing EVER!














What is the #1 cause of death?

ABORTION! Yes….you read that correct….ABORTION

56 million babies are murdered per year

HEADLINE: Can You Handle The Truth? by Regis Nicoll

  • It is genocide of an unprecedented scale.
  • There is no act in human history that can measure up to this.

Men and Women, grab your weapon/rosary and pray for an end to the LEGAL protection of the following sins:

  1. Sodomy
  2. Contraception
  3. Pornography
  4. Abortion

back to headline: Can you handle the truth?

  • How can you change THIS with marches?
  • Oh wait but you are so worried about the 2nd amendment…where were you with your gun to protect that innocent child?
  • over the last 40 years abortion has claimed over 2 billion children
7:25  Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.































Special Guest: Colleen Hammond author of Dressing with Dignity

  • You want to dress in a dignified manner. Do you see politicians bearing their breasts? NO
  • You treat someone else with the dignity their human soul is accorded.
  • First impressions matter the most!
  • Dressing like a floozy…..(excerpt from Dressing with Dignity)
  • Colleen – I am a rape survivor!
  • It is an act of violence taken out in a sexual manner…dress has NOTHING to do with that.
  • What I am referring to is dressing provocatively and allow a mans thoughts to venture off into a state of sin.
  • Men and women brains are different! There was a study

CNN: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say by Elizabeth Landau

New research shows that, in men, the brain areas associated with handling tools and the intention to perform actions light up when viewing images of women in bikinis.

  • Women dress for other women
  • Drawing undo attention to ourselves does not mean frumpy. That is also drawing attention to yourself. That is also NOT charitable or humble.
  • “Should we only be seeking our own PERSONAL comfort?”
  • Are yoga pants acceptable?
  • What does comfort mean?
  • Clothes used to be thought of as the first line of defense against God’s little critters. Clothes serve as protection.
  • Shakespeare used to wear a Tudor Ruff
  • I would be really uncomfortable dressed as a biker chick
  • In .2 of a second they can tell whether or not they trust us. So less than 7 seconds they have made 7 decisions about you!
  • I am a dressing consultant currently, nothing has changed I am teaching women to dress for success which is the same as dressing with dignity.
  • Sin is easy, it doesn’t take much effort to do; it takes effort to NOT sin.
  • If you are showing….they are looking!
  • You are imprinting something on their brain and you are NOT being charitable
  • The Priest forbid the use of Colleen’s name or the name of the book.
  • The book became something it wasn’t! I never said wearing pants is a mortal sin, never said it, never thought it!
  • What we do in here matters out there.
  • I used to get very upset and cry about how can people lie about me now? But now I just brush it off and pray about it. Now I’m like, “it’s the truth so just deal with it”
  • I live in Texas so when people say, “God will understand if I wear a tank top to Mass.” No…he will understand but you are being lazy.
  • Latin Mass an veiling for women
  • The veils are now becoming a fashion thing as well which is not a bad thing.
  • Women used to wear hats to Mass too. As long as you are not wearing a Kentucky derby hat.
  • Veils are great for bad hair days too!
  • How would you approach a trip to the grocery store? How would you advise them to dress?













  • How would you approach a trip to the grocery store? How would you advise them to dress?
  • Men in shorts remind me of frogs….Colleen
  • Do you get a chance to speak to young and what do you say to them?
  • Girls say to me they want to be more like a Kate Middleton, they don’t usually say they want to dress like Katy Perry
  • She has brought her hemlines down now that she has children because she does a lot of squatting.
  • HomeEc we don’t teach our children how to sew or wood working or anything like that anymore.
  • Home Depot you need 5 people to have a class, they will do a class for your family!
  • Teaching girls to dress with dignity, not just why but HOW to do it. Your color, your body shape etc
  • In a business setting you have to have a female talk to another female about dress. You cannot speak to the opposite sex about inappropriate dress or its sexual harassment.
  • Excerpt from Dressing with Dignity
  • God is everywhere! He isn’t just in the Church! Just remember you are a temple of the Holy Ghost
  • When you wrote the book was it revenge? Mike
  • Story of how Colleen was pushed to write the book.
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 8:47 Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show

Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at

8:53   HEADLINE: Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade by Greg Jaffe and Philip Rucker

  • What is our obsession with killing? From abortion here at home to bombing abroad…we love to kill.
 8:57 back to headline: Can you handle the truth?

  • Guttmacher Institute, less than 1% of abortions involve rape and incest, and only 4% invoice concerns over maternal health.
  • let’s sort out our differences after we get rid of abortion






















On Skype Brother Andre Marie

  • Tonight is lecture #3 on Apologetics
  • We have a snow day today!
  • More men have been killed b/c of modernity in the 20th century
  • 3 words for the content you just described: (Brother Andre)
  1. Tradition
  2. of
  3. Man
  • Protestants and indulgences and the misrepresentation of Catholic Church history
  • Protestants: “Make Luther into a Super Saint that can’t be faulted.” Brother Andre Marie
  • Did you know in Hebrew the original language was just consonants? They had no written vowels!
  • Portrait of Our Lady from the cover of Mary of Nazareth
  • Discussing the Gospel and it’s importance
  • Brother Andre Marie will be our sensei for tonights apologetics class @ 6pm cst on the Crusade Channel LIVE
  • The battle of the Jesus bands – in reference to reverence of Protestant churches. What is going on there?
  • The Maniple worn on the Priests left sleeve, it is a sacrificial garment, it symbolizes his readiness to weep.
  • He places this over the missal at the altar and when he comes back, he is resuming the sacrifice so he puts it back on.
  • The homily is NOT an essential part of the Mass, it can be left out or done after Mass.
  • Classical Rite
  • Noble Beauty Transcendent Holiness can be purchased in the Founders Tradin’ Post autographed by Peter Kwasniewski
  • The fast paced life of the 21st Century
  • EWTN and Colleen Hammond
  • Nature hath no fury like a woman’s…..
  • Controversy from the last ReConquest
  • Thought about the aborted babies…The most dangerous place to be….is the mother’s womb.
  • Brother Marie – you cannot join the military anymore now that they allow sodomy so what are you going to do? The attraction to join the military is a very noble thing.
  • War has a devastating effect on the next generation b/c they grow up fatherless!
  • The Pro-Life movement will NOT work until the MEN get involved.

John Horvat author of Return to Order @ 8:30am cst

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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