
Why We’re Called to Give The Shirts Off Our Backs To The Poor & The Government Isn’t

todayOctober 14, 2013 9


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – To say financial ruin and financial decline is in our future if we don’t borrow more money is to equate our financial enterprises with debt and with government servitude.  God calls us to Give The Shirts Off Our Backs to the poor. Is that worthy of a manly sentiment from free people or is that a bunch of people who probably lost their way and have lost most connection that they may have had to how life actually is supposed to work?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike's hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like
Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike’s hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like

Mike:  To say that economic or financial — we often say economic.  Is it really economic or is it financial?  To say financial ruin and financial decline is in our future if we don’t borrow more money is to equate our financial enterprises with debt and with government servitude.  Is that worthy of a manly sentiment from free people or is that a bunch of people who probably lost their way and have lost most connection that they may have had to how life actually is supposed to work?  This doesn’t even have to involve government.  We spend so much time talking about how government did this and government does that, government stinks at doing this and stinks at doing that.  Does anyone ever bother to ask the question: Are individuals any better at doing the things that government is being assigned or charged with doing?

I think that many people will probably come to the conclusion that people would be far better executors of their own private philanthropy and charity than any government organization ever would be.  In other words, if you were going to care for the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, you would be better at doing it yourself individually than you ever would or you would ever expect to see someone that does not have a direct interest or vested interest in carrying out the philanthropy.  [mocking] “Mike, what’s the vested interest if it’s strangers?”  Well, because as Christian people, we are ordered to — this is the principal part of where Christianity diverged or took a fork in the road away from the pagan religions and away from at least some parts of the other two major religions, which would have been Judaism and Islam at the time.

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Elementary_Catechism_THUMBYou are to feed the hungry.  You’re supposed to do it.  You don’t job it out to the Red Cross.  You’re supposed to care for the sick.  Again, you’re supposed to do it.  You don’t job it out to the Red Cross.  You’re supposed to clothe the naked.  Again, you’re supposed to find the clothes or give someone else the shirt off your back.

Just think of some of the adages we have: That guy’s such a good guy he’d give you the shirt off his back.  What does that mean?  What does it mean when someone would give you the shirt off their back?  It means they would practice actual good, old-fashioned, Christian charity.  I can get another shirt.  I might even have another one.  If I don’t, I’m in a better position than that guy and I can go out and make another shirt or make enough coin to buy another shirt.  That guy is having a really rough time, take my shirt.  That’s what giving the shirt off your back means.

When you ask the question of what’s going to happen and why is it even up for discussion that it’s not going to be defined, don’t you think that that is then a reflection on the people that purport to be these grandiose and great defenders and promoters of what it is that theoretically will expire?  Isn’t this on them?  It’s on them, isn’t it?  It’s their program.  It’s not as though they don’t have a choice in the matter, do they?  If they have a choice in the matter, whose fault will it be?  Whose fault is it that there is not a direct contingency plan that is going to kick in?  I agree with Senator Paul.  Do you have Senator Paul’s clip?  It’s about how the president is the one that’s being derelict here and he’s the one that’s being reckless and irresponsible.  He knows exactly what’s going to happen on Thursday.  If he doesn’t know what’s going to happen on Thursday, then he doesn’t know what his office is and what his duty is.  He knows what’s going to happen on Thursday.  Agencies that rely on borrowed money are not going to be able to borrow the money.  The debt that has to be serviced is going to be paid.  It’s going to be the first ledger item that is paid.  Here’s Senator Paul on CNN yesterday:

[start audio clip]

Senator Rand Paul: I think it’s also irresponsible for the president, who when he was a senator actually voted not to raise the debt ceiling, it’s irresponsible for him to scare people. He should be the opposite. The leader of the country should be soothing the markets and saying we will always pay the interest on our debt. We do have plenty of revenue. We bring in $250 billion a month and we have a $20 billion interest payment. There’s absolutely no reason ever to default. A good leader would be saying: We will never default.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  We will never default.  It is never going to happen.  That is all on the president.  To use the carrot and stick approach of: I’ve got the candy.  I’ve got the crack.  If you want it you’re going to have to come bet it from me.  Of course, the candy or crack are government services or state-run services and employment and what have you.  To use what it is that you have spent your entire life erecting and promoting and establishing, which are these agencies and programs and attendant services, to use them as extortion against the people they’re supposed to benefit ought to tell you everything you need to know about the modern American State.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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