
Caller Scott Says Get Rid Of Lobbyists, Fix Congress

todayMarch 22, 2013 3


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The only reason there is a lobbyist and the politician has a campaign coffer is because the nitwittery across the amber waves of fuel have endowed their almighty federal overlords and state overlords with such vast powers that with vast powers come vast amounts of money.  People are going to always fight for the right to be able to spend that vast amount of money.  You’re looking at the symptom.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Scott in Michigan, you’re up first today on Free Phone Friday on The Mike Church Show, at the end of our 10-year anniversary celebration week.  How are you?

Caller Scott:  Not too bad.  Top of the morning to you, Mr. Church.  The reason I’m calling, I’ve got an idea to try to get some of the corruption cut down at the capital and in D.C.  It involves politicians and their coffers.  We should pass a law where they have to empty them 30 days post-election and can’t start them back up until 90 days prior to the next election.

Mike:  Why would you want to do that?

Caller Scott:  To keep the lobbyists out of their pockets.

Mike:  So who would be writing the laws?

Caller Scott:  Maybe the people will write them.

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Mike:  No, then the staffers would be writing the laws.  You’ve got to stop the staffers.  You’ll have to defund the staffers, too.

Caller Scott:  That wouldn’t be bad.  We should start with the lobbyists, though.

Mike:  I love this line of reasoning here.  What does a lobbyist do?

Caller Scott:  In Michigan for example, the Michigan Farm Bureau has been involved in many bills that affect agriculture that are detrimental to us.  I don’t understand —

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Mike:  You’re attacking and your proposed remedy is to deal with one of the symptoms while the cancer is still going to be metastasizing and going to survive.  The only reason there is a lobbyist and the politician has a campaign coffer is because the nitwittery across the amber waves of fuel have endowed their almighty federal overlords and state overlords with such vast powers that with vast powers come vast amounts of money.  People are going to always fight for the right to be able to spend that vast amount of money.  You’re looking at the symptom.  The first thing we do, said Hamlet, is we kill all the lobbyists.  Wait, we didn’t get the funding for the Shakespeare production.  I don’t mean to be rude or insensitive to the caller, and I thank the gentleman for the call.

I have to say, this is an example of the kind of anti-critical thinking and anti-intellectual thinking that we apply to our politics and that we apply to issues.  It’s always attack the symptom, whether it’s the lobbyist, the politician, the particular piece of legislation.  The fact of the matter is that they have too much power.  You, in your community, have been robbed of your right to self-govern yourselves, meaning you would use your own time and labor in most of these instances, and probably your own money.  They’re using your money anyway.  They’re not just using your money, they’re using your kids’ money.  Then they’re borrowing some from the grandkids.

A lazy, apathetic people who do not want to learn, apparently, and do not want to educate themselves and become reacquainted with the duties of self-government or republicanism, as Jefferson would have called it and many of the founding generation, instead you want to complain about lobbyists.  It’s not the lobbyists’ faults.  The lobbyist is just trying to eat.  He sees food at the end of the table.  He’s like Wile E. Coyote chasing the Road Runner.  Wile E. Coyote does not see the roadrunner in the cartoons, does he?  He sees a fresh, steaming, roasted carcass that looks like a Thanksgiving turkey.  Your attention ought to be in the power granted to the government, and with the vast power comes the vast spending and not on the symptoms, which are the lobbyists.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. starfury1 on March 25, 2013

    Let me see if i got this right, we want to get rid of lobbyists i guess the first amendment is pointless and should go too right?

    im talking about the right to associate, the right to grieve our government. Sure lobbyists have become a big business but they are essential if i own a widget shop and its a modest size is congresscritters going to listen to me when i say hey! youre hurting my business not likely, but if i get a a group of widget shop owners together to speak on our behalf then its most likely to be heard.

    This is what lobbyists do. thats not a bad thing, in fact thats what we want to happen. Since we have stunted the growth of the congress and made congressional districts represent more and more people one business doesnt have the voice it used to have, one citizen concerned about their rights dont have the same punch as they did before and because of that lobbyists have grown…

    you want to stop the influence of lobbyists over congress? then increase the influence of the citizen with their congress. its time to retire the capitol building its time to build a new capitol and add the correct number of representatives to the congress to fully represent the people. maybe we should take the un building? kill two birds with one stone?

    lobbyists are giving individuals a voice since the congress no longer represents them. you either fix that problem or embrace lobbyists

    but if you just decrease the lobbyist or make them illegal then the people will lose what little voice they have to grieve their government even more
