Caller Wants ISIS to Follow Our Constitution, Mike Wants U.S. To Go 1st
todayAugust 29, 2014
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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –Caller Sal: Mike, I have to take a second just to thank you for pushing our Constitution on the radio like you do. My question is, and I don’t want to sound childish, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world followed our Constitution? My thing is —
Mike: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the United States followed our Constitution? You can’t expect the rest of the world to follow it when we don’t follow it.
Caller Sal: When we stop electing guys like Obama, who promised to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan — if we had stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan with the amount of troops we had, ISIS would be nothing right now. Syria probably would have been quelled a little bit easier 18 months ago or 12 months ago like Senator McCain wanted to do.
Mike: No, it doesn’t sound childish. It sounds egomaniacal is what it sounds like. Do you moonlight as a guy named Dr. Evil? Have you been in a James Bond movie lately?
Mike tries to talk Sal down off the American Exceptionalism ledge, Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike:Sal in New York is next on the Mike Church Show, Sirius XM Patriot Channel. Hello, Sal, how you doing?
Caller Sal: Mike, thanks a lot for taking my call. I appreciate it. Mike, I have to take a second just to thank you for pushing our Constitution on the radio like you do. My question is, and I don’t want to sound childish, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world followed our Constitution? My thing is —
Mike: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the United States followed our Constitution? You can’t expect the rest of the world to follow it when we don’t follow it.
Caller Sal: When we stop electing guys like Obama, who promised to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan — if we had stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan with the amount of troops we had, ISIS would be nothing right now. Syria probably would have been quelled a little bit easier 18 months ago or 12 months ago like Senator McCain wanted to do. We’ve been in Europe and Japan for 70 years. We showed them our Constitution and we showed them a democracy. We showed them the freedom that we have in the United States. We can show these people the same freedom. A lot of them that come to America know about our freedom here. ISIS is an itch, a scratch that every 20 to 40 years they want to give us a war and say: America isn’t bothering with us right now. Let’s use oil as an excuse and try to get America out of here. We’re the shepherds — the American government is the shepherds, the soldiers are the sheepdog, and the world are sheep. If the sheep dog are pulled away from the sheep, the wolves are always going to go at the sheep.
Mike: Oh, Sal. Oh, Sal.
Caller Sal: I know, it sounds childish, Mike.
Mike: No, it doesn’t sound childish. It sounds egomaniacal is what it sounds like. Do you moonlight as a guy named Dr. Evil? Have you been in a James Bond movie lately?
Caller Sal: No. My theory —
Mike: We’re the shepherd of the planet? Says who? Who says that?
Caller Sal: Let me ask you a question. What country wouldn’t want the democracy and the economic strength that the United States had before this guy became president?
Mike: Do you want me to name ten or twenty?
Caller Sal: I’m sorry, sir?
Mike: Do you want me to name ten or twenty countries that wouldn’t want?
Caller Sal: There’s 155 to 160 countries out there and if they all —
Mike: There’s 213 at last count.
Caller Sal: Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. If they all followed suit, we wouldn’t have to worry or scream at each other or have these conversations on the phone about why our troops are in these countries.
Mike: The conversations we should be having about why our troops are in all these countries is: Okay, let’s pull the troops out of all those countries.
Caller Sal: And they’ll all collapse.
Mike: Oh, the entire planet will collapse without America? That’s right. That’s the exact way to think about it, Sal.
Caller Sal: Everywhere we stayed has been stable and operational for their people.
Mike: So the ancient history of Japan was just a simmering, steaming pile of excrement before World War II and before they got a whiff of American exceptionalism?
Caller Sal: Mike, if you were a citizen in Japan during those dynasties and you didn’t do exactly as the emperor wanted, you’d be dead.
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Mike: And how do you know this? How do you know that if you didn’t do exactly what every emperor wanted that you would be dead?
Caller Sal: Because as the hierarchy of the samurai and the hierarchy of the warlords all trickled down.
Mike: We wouldn’t have any movies about samurais and warlords then. We’d instead have movies about an American version of something else. You want the entire planet, all of the known universe, to act like Ferguson, Missouri. You don’t get to export only the parts that you want. You’re going to export the chaff with the wheat. What are you going to do about that?
Caller Sal: Wait, wait, wait. We’re worried about Ferguson, Missouri? There’s 16 to 20 youth killed in Chicago every week and I don’t see anybody at all saying: By the way, what’s Obama’s buddy Rahmbo dead fish, whatever the hell his last name is, the mayor who used to work for Obama, how come he hasn’t picked apart Chicago either? Or the kids shot and killed in California or New York or anywhere else —
Mike: How do you know about it?
Caller Sal: Because the news tells us.
Mike: You just said nobody says it.
Caller Sal: No, no, I’m saying the guys who went to Ferguson —
Mike: No, no, you said no one said it as if it’s a well-kept and guarded secret. You just told it to me, so it can’t be a secret.
Caller Sal: It’s brought up after Ferguson happened.
Mike: So if only Chris Matthews and company would bring up these other ones, then all would be right and manna would fall from Heaven. We would all get salvation and everything would be perfect.
Caller Sal: I didn’t want to sound childish. That’s why I said that to you. I didn’t want to sound childish. I just wanted to sound logical.
Mike: Sal, please stay away from the controls. We are not in control. We are not in control. No God that I know of has appointed the United States government as controller and shepherd of the planet. And if God did, we would reject it because we have “separation of church and state.” I tell you what, if we could just go back in history, instead of spending $4.5 trillion per year on all these social welfare programs and engineering the world correctly — look, if you’re an American, you’re not satisfied with the way wheat grows. We’ve got to genetically engineer that.
This God character that created all this stuff, he is just the biggest loser. We will be so much better off when we embrace mysticism and our own supremacy. We are Gods is what I just heard. We are Gods. We fix humanity. We fix everything. I was getting ready to go down the list. We’re not happy with corn production and wheat production and sugar production and any other kind of production of any kind of a crop, so let’s fix that. Let’s turn our engineers loose and let you guys go genetically modify and fix the creation of crops. The Creator person entity didn’t get it right the first time around. We can make it better. We can fix that. They didn’t turn out the way we wanted them. You know what? We need to get in there and fix those, too.
There are countries all around the world that don’t act like we do because they don’t have our manna from Heaven, God-sent and ordained Constitution, and if they all did, they’d be as right as rain. So if they all had our Constitution and lived under it, let’s just use the samurais that he was using as an example. If only the ancient emperor of Japan, if only at the time of the dynasties and the royal Japanese family being created, if they only would have taken it upon themselves to draft a bicameral House of Representatives and a Senate, a president, an Article III judiciary, and if they just would have adopted the Constitution back in the day, you’d see, Japan would be as right as rain. But they did at the end of World War II. We forced them to adopt these, and because we led the way and we’re shepherds and they’re a bunch of sheep.
I love that analogy of the shepherd and the sheep, too. Folks, contained in that phone call was basically the nuts and bolts of what comprises nearly everything that many of you think is wrong with the era in which you live. Contained in there was the elevation of the American government, of a document drafted by men so that there could be a government that could live underneath this document. That document was elevated to a status that is supreme and is over any creation on Earth. There can’t be anyone out there that would ever deny that they would be better off if only they adopted our Constitution.
Here’s the great irony of that, or one of the great ironies of that. In 1843, the Swiss actually did take a copy of the unadulterated and yet-to-be-micturated-upon U.S. Constitution and basically went into a convention of sorts and adopted it, not the entire Constitution, but the system of government and the division of powers and the guarantee of a republican form of government is part of the Swiss Constitution of 1843.
Here’s what else the Swiss didn’t do. The Swiss actually took that system of republican form of government seriously. They actually took their devotion to and commitment to a fiat currency seriously. They rarely amended their constitution. In other words, they kept the structure intact. They also never elevated themselves into the position where they were saviors and shepherds of the planet. They never got themselves involved in the world’s wars. They never got themselves involved in the wars of their neighbors. Instead, they concentrated on minding their own business and on being what? Free and neutral, not having all these alliances that could find themselves in the affairs of the world.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
After hearing Sal it occurs to me that praying for the billions of lost and ignorant souls like his may do more good than for the relatively few genuinely evil ones that rule us. If the mass at the bottom becomes aware and seeks virtue then the top shall be consumed by the wave of grace.
Wil Shrader Jr. on September 1, 2014
After hearing Sal it occurs to me that praying for the billions of lost and ignorant souls like his may do more good than for the relatively few genuinely evil ones that rule us. If the mass at the bottom becomes aware and seeks virtue then the top shall be consumed by the wave of grace.