
12 Results / Page 1 of 2



Who would Jesus nuke?

Ryan Grant Discusses Hiroshima and Nagasaki Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There is no case that can be made for justifying this, unless you are going to make the argument that we had to do it because we had to break his will.  Then I add this to the final commentary part of this discussion.  If the nuke is never detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is then less of […]

todayJune 16, 2016 8


Caller Wants ISIS to Follow Our Constitution, Mike Wants U.S. To Go 1st

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Caller Sal:  Mike, I have to take a second just to thank you for pushing our Constitution on the radio like you do.  My question is, and I don’t want to sound childish, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world followed our Constitution?  My thing is -- Mike:  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the United States followed our Constitution?  You can’t expect the rest of […]

todayAugust 29, 2014 15


Government Acts Like The Mob

The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the first hour I brought up that the latest tyranny from the executive, that’s President Obama, claiming he has the authority to raise the automobile mile-per-gallon standards.  I didn’t fully explain this.  This is a scam that was concocted back in the 1970s called CAFE, Corporate Average Fuel Economy."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike […]

todayFebruary 22, 2014 3

Founders Television

How Does The NSA Affect Our Foreign Policy?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - It's true that every country spies on each other in some form or another, but not to the extent that the NSA is doing. And aren't other countries supposed to look up to us as the standard of freedom and liberty throughout the world? So what does it tell everyone when the NSA is out there collecting e-mails and texts from France, […]

todayNovember 20, 2013 9

Founders Television

What Is The Purpose of the NSA Spying on Foreign Countries?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - What is the purpose of the NSA spying on countries like France, Germany, and Japan? Well, it all comes back to our foreign (interventionist) policy where we feel like we must know everything that is going on in the world and if one of these countries does something that we don't like, well we've already got it documented. But think about this, […]

todayOctober 30, 2013 5


78,000 U.S. Military Troops Are Stationed In South Korea And Japan

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Patrick J. Buchanan wonders on the pages of The Imaginative Conservative website yesterday just why it is that we have 78,000 troops stationed in Japan and South Korea. There’s no place to trim any of this stuff. Our vainglorious empire cannot be whittled down one iota. The world is relying on the American people’s ability to borrow money and enslave future generations into debt […]

todayApril 10, 2013 8

Daily Clip

American Exceptionalism Is Not A Compliment

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is a very dangerous thing that we have done. We are flirting with disaster. We are flirting with human misery. We are not the exception to the rule of human nature, sir. We are humans. We are fallible. Human nature does not change over continents. In our arrogance and saying things like you just said, we make ourselves “We’re the exception. We would […]

todayMarch 20, 2013 5

Founders Television


Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The only thing that is truly exceptional about America is our military, namely the fact that we are the only country in the history of the known universe to use Nuclear weapons on another people. The end of the war was brought about more hastily because of the use of nuclear weapons but does that make it moral? The only conclusion that […]

todayMarch 20, 2013 10


American Hubris Won’t Prevent Another Katyn Massacre Or Great Purge

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, this is dangerous stuff here. Some people think this is a game. “We’re Americans. We would never do that.” Really? You know one of the reasons why the rest of the world fears us? It’s because we used a nuclear weapon on Japanese people not once but twice. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMarch 8, 2013 5
