Daily Clip John McCain: Congress has NO Authority in War Making NEW ORLEANS, LA. In what can only be chalked up to as Senator McCain finally molting the final remnants of any sort of honor, John McCain turns the Constitution on its head vis--vis Through the Looking Glass style and proclaims the Congress has no authority to stop President Obama from waging unilateral war in Libya.Mikes righteous indignation at such an outrageous butchering of the Constitution then ensues.Become a Become a […] todayJune 15, 2011 1
Daily Clip You Have No Authority Citizen, Washington Knows What’s Best for Your Life You Have No Authority Citizen, Washington Knows Whats Best for YOUR LifeNEW ORLEANS, La. Mike lays bare the quickening manner in which the National government in Washington D.C. thinks it not We the People is the Ultimate Sovereign and knows what is best for the poor serfs in rural AmeriKa.Become a Become a 24/7 Backstage Pass member today. to hear all of Mike's past interviews with Professor Gutzman, Ron Paul […] todayJune 10, 2011 3
Daily Clip A Lobbyist a Day Keeps the FDA Away; certainly there must be a Cure? NEW ORLEANS, La. - In the never-ending attempt to control our lives via bureaucratic agents sent forth from Washington D.C. to eat out the substance of everyday Americans, Karen De Coster, reporting for Lew Rockwell.com informs us FDA overlords are coming down hard on the latest threat to National Security; purveyors of elderberry wine.Yes ladies and gentlemen, fresh off the heels of busting jihadist Raw Milk drinkers threatening the centrally-planned […] todayJune 6, 2011 1
Daily Clip World Premiere of Mike Church’s Road To Independence The World Broadcast Premiere of The Road To Independence - The Movie, Scene 39NEW ORLEANS, La. Here is the full audio from the World Broadcast Premiere of The Road To Independence Movie - Scene 39. This scene, as described by Mike shows the audience how Ben Franklin and John Adams schemed to convince Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. The scene features Emmy Winning actor Jay Thomas as […] todayMay 18, 2011 3
Daily Clip There is No Need to Continue These Militaristic Interventions Foreign Interventionism Breeds Tomorrow's EnemiesNEW ORLEANS, La. Steve, the father of a fallen soldier calls in to the show to voice his support of beginning the process of bringing all troops home following the death of Osama bin Laden. Not only does the interventionist militaristic lead to the creation of tomorrows enemies, loss of American lives, and is quickening the pace towards a national bankruptcy. Thus in the end, all […] todayMay 4, 2011 1
Daily Clip Now that bin Laden is Dead Can we Please end the Wars? Now that bin Laden is Dead Can we Please end the Wars?NEW ORLEANS, La. Mike wonders what exactly it will take following the death of the murdering-savage Osama bin Laden, to end the wars, restore the lost liberties through the PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions Act, et al. Unfortunately, however as Mike points out, the blood-lust on display during the Sunday morning talk show circuit, just cannot trip over itself fast […] todayMay 2, 2011 7
Daily Clip Americans Asleep Like Rip Van Winkle? Americans Asleep Like Rip Van Winkle?NEW ORLEANS, La. Mike takes a call about how many Americans seem to be asleep as we hurtle ever quicker to insolvency as the government continues to spend with reckless abandon. Further, Mike discusses yet another horrendous piece of legislation from Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark) mandating tracking devices on all interstate commercial carriers so that the government can record the location […] todayApril 29, 2011 11
Daily Clip A Dollar Sure Doesn’t Buy What it Use to Mike Church: We Know the FEDERAL RESERVE is the EnemyNEW ORLEANS, La. Patricia in South Carolina calls in to speak with Mike about the widely held misnomer regarding the price of gasoline. Her impassioned excoriation of the FEDERAL RESERVEs system of fiat currency makes plain, the price of gasoline is not rising in terms of actual value, but instead illuminates the utter devaluation of the Dollar.The evidence is plain, as […] todayApril 28, 2011 16
Daily Clip We are on a Freight Train Elevator to Economic Hades We are on a Freight Train Elevator to Economic HadesNEW ORLEANS, La. - The complacent sycophantic old-media is once again trumpeting the notion of class warfare via the same old tired tactic, i.e. Soak the Rich. According to a recent Gallop survey, six in ten Americans feel the rich do not pay their fair-share in taxes.Thus, six out of ten Americans disappointed with their own ability to earn more want […] todayApril 19, 2011 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757