Daily Clip 17th Amendment Explained KingDude Style (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Welcome to yet another Free Phone Friday,in fact the last of the Free Phone Friday's for the year of 2010.KingDude's got his Hawaiian shirt on and is well prepped for one lastpotential DudeMaker Hotline caller to make a bit of a stir. Chris fromTexas doesn't exactly stir the airwaves, but he succeeds at bringing upa great point in the form of a question. Chris proposes: Why isit […] todayDecember 17, 2010 11
Daily Clip The 17th Amendment In Relation To The START Treaty (Audio) Mandeville, LA -The ratification of treaties is a Constitutional duty that is necessary to have a Union. One of the duties that the President is assigned and the Senate must concur in as representatives of the States. With the passage of the 17th Amendment we getno representation of the States. Almost every treaty, unless it's acease fire or an end of war declaration, that has been passed since could […] todayDecember 16, 2010 17
Daily Clip Founders Wouldn’t Go For Pooling Money, That’s Socialism! (Audio) Mandeville -The idea that we send these things calledRepresentatives to Mordor on the Potomac, sometimes thousands of milesaway, to go and retrieve money that has been sent there, laundered anddivvied amongst the connected few and then whatever is left is sent tothe States, is ridiculous. Why this is tolerated, we don't know. Evenworse, the corruption is on nearly every level of the spectrum withonly the amounts of money stolen […] todayDecember 15, 2010 9
Daily Clip Why Aren’t We As Prosperous As When Bubba Was In Office? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Isn't it amazing how many jobs where aroundwhen the Clinton Administration was in full force, his successliterally reached beyond the United States and bled over into Mexico,Canada, Haiti - practically everyone above the age of 16 with a workpermit had a job. Now that you've finished swallowing that Dumbacratnonsense, notice that Obama truly wants to create jobs while notincreasing taxes on the middle class and can't […] todayDecember 14, 2010 11
Daily Clip The Ethanol Tax: No Big Deal, It Only Costs 5 Billion (Audio) Mandeville, LA -Today's show clip of the day involvesethanol, which is just another word for alcohol, in this case ethylalcohol. The item in question is the corn fuels multiple subsidies tax,which could cost roughly 5 billion dollars that will most definitelycome from taxpayers like us. Reformers hoped to cut the tax credit fromblending ethanol into gasolineto 36 cents per gallon from the current 45 cents, which is where it […] todayDecember 13, 2010 4
insert_link Daily Clip Bubba Clinton Called Upon By White House (Audio) Mandeville, LA - If you were to find yourself in the throesof battle, decked out in armor but low on ammunition, confident inpursuit but lacking physical force and gaining ground but losing footsoldiers, who would you call in as reinforcements? Sylvester Stallonein his day? The 'Govenator'? The cliche ridden Bruce Willis? Or one ofthose under the radar good guys like Ryan Reynolds? We know exactly whothe bleeding White House […] todayDecember 10, 2010 11
Daily Clip Divide The Debt And Each State Owes 38 Billion, You Gonna Pay That? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - The Federal Budget Deficit last year was1.6 trillion dollars. If you divide that by 50 states then you end upwith a number around the tune of 38 billion dollars per state. Thequestion is: could you have taxed your state a 38 Billion dollar taxincrease without having riots in the streets and looters sleeping inWal Mart? The answer is no. This is what is staring us in the […] todayDecember 9, 2010 3
Daily Clip Mike’s Stance On Education, Yet Again! (Audio) Mandeville, LA -If you claim to be a taker of theFounders Red Pill with the '76 emblem stamped right there on it, thenhow could you possibly be an advocate of State Government run Educationfor your most precious asset in life, your children? Do you want abunch of self righteous, power-hungry, power-mad, on the take corruptpoliticians determining what it uis your child must learn. Therejection of public education as a […] todayDecember 8, 2010 14
Daily Clip Central Economic Planning Is Still Ineffective. (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Yes, it's true that Obama and theRepublicans have come to an agreement on the topic of whether or not toextend the tax cuts, who to extend them for, and what to do with theunemployment state of our society that is set to expire on December31st. In fact, Obama in all his busted lip glory took the time out ofhis pressing schedule to address us, the sheeple […] todayDecember 7, 2010 11
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757