Project ’76

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Project '76

What is Higher Education Supposed To Be? John Stuart Mill Explains

Mandeville, LA - Modern man, through our own arrogance, has completely distanced himself from the regimented structure and purpose of "higher education" and there may be no turning back the clock. That does not however require that the study of the building blocks of human life, embedded in the historical university, have to be lost to time. John Stuart Mill gave the following address to the opening of the University […]

todayAugust 28, 2013 9

Project '76

Birther Derby- Is Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio a “Natural born citizen”? James Madison explains

Mandeville, LA - On the occasion of someone in the first Congress under the constitution, raising an objection to the seating of a "Mr Smith" from SC because, it was averred, he could not be a natural born citizen of the United States. Young Jimmy Madison, the Pape of the Constitution, explains that Smith IS a citizen but Madison comes up short on answering the question over Cruz & Rubio […]

todayAugust 13, 2013 9

Project '76

Project ’76 Webisode Previews – American History “To Go”

Mandeville, LA - Here's a sampling of our current offering of Project '76 webisodes, which you can pick up on the Founders Tradin' Post RIGHT HERE! Each of these Webisodes has been painstakingly researched and then dramatized by some of the finest voice actors and audio mixing engineers in the business. The result is a growing playlist of great epochs in American History, made easy to enjoy in an entertaining […]

todayAugust 7, 2013 3

Project '76

Militias Are Good And They Are Good For You Too – Parts I and II

Mandeville, LA - The latest in our Project '76 collection is the must listen to, 2nd Amendment hit of the millennia. Writer/Director/Narrator Mike Church takes you on an exciting, audio journey back to 1788 to hear the great Patrick Henry launch his opposition to ratifying the U.S. Constitution and his primary concern for doing so was... he feared the new government would abolish the militia and then the right to […]

todayJuly 17, 2013 9

Click to download this latest "Project '76 Webisode"

Project '76

James Madison Identifies a Monster, Called The Federal Government

Listen to a FREE preview of this 9 minute long Webisode from Founding Father Films's Project '76, Download this Webisode here Mandeville, LA - In this Project '76 Webisode, we learn the chain of events that led James Madison & Thomas Jefferson to the conclusion that the Constitution was in peril and the Revolution undone by Congress's actions over Aliens and sedition, requested by President John Adams. Madison wrote to […]

todayJuly 9, 2013 6

Project '76

Jimmy Madison Didn’t Do Congressional Charity Work

Mandeville, LA  - You might be wondering if there is any precedent for our continuing, government-funded feed and save the world operations that Congress routinely executes. Kevin Gutzman sheds some light on the subject for us. 1. Congressman Smith on “the committee on the memorial of the Relief-Committee of Baltimore.” 2. Presented a report 3. Smith discussed the situation in Saint-Domingue and the plight of the refugees 4. A “great […]

todayJune 15, 2013 6

From Mike Church's Spirit of '76

Project '76

The IRS Power to Tax Is The Power to Destroy

Mandeville, LA - The Amphyction Essays were PROBABLY written by members of the Richmond Junto which rallied against the egregious decisions of the MArshall Court in 1816-1819. The Junto met at the offices of newspaper publisher Thomas Ritchie and included John Taylor of Caroline, William Brockenbrough and Judge Spencer Roane. This letter was probably written by Brockenbrough(1) and contains a well constructed, factual account of why the Constitution is a […]

todayMay 14, 2013 1
