
504 Results / Page 35 of 56



St Denis, Martyr, An Example For Today’s Christians

Mandeville, LA - Today the Church recognizes the Feast day of St Denis. Denis (or Dionysius as he is also called) was born and raised in Italy. He was sent as a missionary to Gaul (now France) circa 250 A.D. by Pope St. Clement along with five other bishops. Denis made his base of missionary activity an island in the Seine near the city of Lutetia Parisorium -- what would become […]

todayOctober 9, 2016


See What Joseph Pearce Had To Say About The English Reformation Book

Joseph Pearce on The English Reformation book: "The martyred saints of Reformation England are but a handful of the many holy souls who chose death and the glory of martyrdom over submission to a secularist tyranny which had sought to destroy religious liberty. Their story is all too little known in our age of ignorance and arrogance. This being so, the publication of this wonderful little book, first published more […]

todayOctober 6, 2016 5


The Great Faith Robbery-The English DeFormation

Mandeville, LA - Here are the written notes and audio from Mike Church's address to the Saint Benedict Center's "Keeping The Counter-Reformation Going" Conference, held at the St. Benedict Center in Richmond NH, Spet. 30 and Oct 1., 2016. The English Deformation-The Great Faith Robbery I wanted to start with a joke and I had a few in mind but in a conference where so many great speakers have told […]

todayOctober 5, 2016 2


Tim Kaine’s Diabolical Abortion Promotion is NOT “Traditional Catholic” & Must Be Condemned

 UPDATED: Senator Tim Kaine scandalized tens of millions of faithful Catholics with his diabolical promotion of Abortion, Planned Parenthood and the "beauty of giving women the right to make their own decisions [on abortion]". "Still it must be confessed that the number of the enemies of the cross of Christ has in these last days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy […]

todayOctober 5, 2016 1


Ferrara et Al: No, Pope Francis, We Will Not Obey, And You Must Desist

Mandeville, LA - If I added a CRUSADER member to the Founder's Pass member site for every email, Facebook message, text message and verbal taunt I have received as a result of Pope Frances's unorthodox embrace of apostates, communist tree huggers, heresies and even dangerous endorsements of religious pluralism, I would have enough capital to buy ads during the Super Bowl for The CRUSADE Channel. Now comes frequent site and Mike […]

todaySeptember 22, 2016 16


Senate Votes To Continue Killing Yemen’s Civilians But 27 Discovered They Have Souls

Mandeville, LA - The United States Empirical Senate voted 71-27 to continue funding and granting the American government's approbation to the war-crimes being committed in Yemen by "our allies", the House of Saud. I have long documented the saddest chapter in the history of the west since the genocide of the Catholics of the Vendee in 1794-95 France. That the American public has tolerated this with little resistance and 0.0 […]

todaySeptember 21, 2016 3


What Decision Is Left For #Catholics? Trump Reaffirms Pro-Life Stances

Mandeville, LA - Read the letter sent to pro-life activists below, signed by one Donald J. Trump and contrast that with Mrs Clinton's promise to continue the slaughter of innocents while promoting the diabolical, Apocalypto-like policy that babies "have no Constitutional rights until they are born." Here's the video of the High Priestess of Tezcatlipoca in case you've forgotten. In the letter below Trump promises pro-life voters the following. Nominating […]

todaySeptember 20, 2016 7


Sullivan: Technology Won’t Save You From God’s Reboot

Mandeville, LA - UPDATE 1: My Facebook wall has exploded with comments on this post's prime paragraph, see for yourself: When someone asks me "what happened to you, you used to be somebody on the radio then you went all religious" (note at least 3 former, Facebook "friends" from GA, bailed the day SiriusXM whacked me) I pause, recall my vow of humility and say "I'm trying to become somebody […]

todaySeptember 19, 2016 15


Blasphemy!: The Feds Want To CREATE A Human-Animal Clone, Here’s What You Can Do To Stop It

Mandeville, LA - Bishop Burbidge of Raleigh NC's call to oppose this grant and the link to do so appears at the bottom of this article. This is not a drill. The National Institutes of Health intends to create a being from human DNA in an animal embryo. Please read Bishop Burbidge's letter and consider offering you opposition, But be warned, if you do this, you'll be placing the Federales […]

todaySeptember 2, 2016 6
