
504 Results / Page 48 of 56



Time To Demand The Flag of Racist, Oppression Is Pulled From State Grounds…in Oregon

Mandeville, LA - In my latest effort to lead by example and preach equality, I wish to alert judgement porn addicts, immoral Facebook moralizers, former editors of "conservative magazines" and fellow Catholics to the insufferable horror and scourge of racism, white supremacy and denial of basic human rights based on people's skin color. Charleston, SC, meet your mac-daddy: Oregon. [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] That's right say hello to the […]

todayJune 25, 2015 9


Night at The Museum 4: The Imbeciles & The Rebel Battle Flag

Mandeville, LA - It will be a very uncomfortable day for some future victim of a Medieval-obsessed racist to discover that though the Iron Maiden was stored safely in a museum, when called upon it was as lethal when closed with its victim entombed inside as it was when Queen Elizabeth gave up the torture of Catholics in the 16th century. Such will be the fate of what newly diploma'd, […]

todayJune 23, 2015 5


ACLU To Catholic Charities: Worship Beazelbub Or The Kid Gets It

Mandeville, LA - It is difficult to identify words to use in describing the diabolic, illogical and blasphemous ravings the ACLU is hurling at Catholic Charities these days. According to the necro-lusting heretics at ACLU it is nothing more than "bad luck" that lands tens of thousands of illegals in the care of Catholic Charities; this statement thus denies the Truth of "caritas", the Latin word for "charity", an act […]

todayJune 3, 2015 3


Modernism Is Evil’s Spell & We Must Defeat It-Pius X’s Demolition of Liberals

Mandeville, LA - On Today's show I brought up the spell that modernity hath cast over Western man in nearly all his affairs and that St. Pope Pius X had warned, in Pascendi Dominici Gregis that this would happen and what the transgendered consequences would be.  Those who think this enemy is but a political one must also be of the opinion that rotted meat is caused by food service wraps; […]

todayJune 2, 2015 9



It’s Official, America: Welcome to Your New Country, Leshomohedoninica™

Mandeville, LA - Like Nixon without Cronkite, can America lose her "Christians"? In the abstract the answer is of course no, for she would no longer be America but more likely be called Leshomohedoninica™. This reflects the "public mood" over "moral issues" that the Gallup Organization says have gone decidedly "Left" (I will comment in a future essay on the folly of evil and error being either Left or Right- MC). This survey shows […]

todayMay 28, 2015 7


If You Join The Boy Scouts To Express Your Sexual Habits You’re NOT A Scout

Mandeville, LA - It's no coincidence that Robert Gates was one of the CIA tyrants who carried out detainee "enhanced interrogations". Now, for an encore, Gates tortures the moral foundations of scouting. Doesn’t the pledge require you to “serve God and country”? What part of serving God requires endorsing perveted sex acts and those who perform them!? Is the ban on watching "Deep Throat" at Jamborees to be rescinded next? […]

todayMay 22, 2015 7


There’s NO Hope For Restoring Our “Idiocracy” Civilization Without Philosophy

Mandeville, LA - "We The People" is the rallying cry of a dying civilization that long ago lost the intellect to even approach a definition of "We" or "People" as if Pythagorus himself is needed to decode a 2 letter word. 400 years into the experiment to suppress intellect informed by philosophy and replace it with the corrupt ideologies of "isms" which mis-inform "opinions". Twain had it right(1) when he concluded […]

todayMay 18, 2015 6


“Hippie” Saint, Francis of Assisi, Didn’t Need Cartoons To Confront Jihadis

Mandeville, LA - If the KKK announced they were hosting a "Good Ole Days of Jim Crow cartoon contest and 'free speech event' " right after the Westboro Baptists held their "God hates dead F--s cartoon contest and free speech event' ", who, including the organizers, would be shocked at predictable outrage and/or retaliation by blacks and homosexuals? Yet the provocative "Mohammed cartoon contest" promoters feign shock and awe at […]

todayMay 6, 2015 7


Wisdom Wednesday-The Purpose of Electrons Is To Make Beer

Mandeville, LA - David Simpson stopped by for another Wisdom Wednesday, politics and philosophy cocktail garnished with some poor impersonations of Brother Francis. David backed up my reasoning on Stones being more meaningful than Islam, applying the Philosophy of highest purpose to annihilate the argument. We then turned our attention to the 2016 field of candidates for the GOP nomination and their cliched, flawed harmony on economic solutions to all our […]

todayMay 6, 2015 2
