
504 Results / Page 51 of 56



Merry New Years Eve! Say The Te Deum Prayer As Thanks For 2014

Mandeville, LA - On New Years Eve, it is traditional to attend a Catholic Mass and at the end, pray a liturgical version of an ancient Latin prayer called the Te Deum. In doing so, you gain what is known as an Indulgence which you can apply to yourself or someone who has recently passed away. Below is the original Latin text, the English translation and a video of Gregorian […]

todayDecember 31, 2014 8


New Years Approaches-Resolve To Become St. Augustine

Mandeville, LA - In a mere 5 days, the planet will welcome the new year that is to be 2015 and tens of millions will make public displays of pride we call "New Years resolutions", don't be one of them. Instead resolve to reject the pagan heresy and apostacy we call modern life which as we shall see is itself anathema to the greatest resolution Man can make: to pass […]

todayDecember 28, 2014 6


Keep Your Opinions To Yourself Until You Speak Them In Latin

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We may have a St. Thomas Aquinas out there right now.  Again, the world would never know.  It would be impossible for him to be recognized because we will not recognize certitude.  You know why?  Because that would mean that I would have to subordinate myself to someone else’s opinion.  I’ve got a Facebook page and I’m not doing that.  I am not subordinating myself […]

todayDecember 16, 2014 5


1791 Prayer For America Shows The Constitution’s Flaw From The Start

Mandeville, LA - There is a building consensus that the establishment of our beloved, Constitutional, republic enjoyed almost no peace of mind over the issue of The Constitution's rejection of any higher authority other than the will of "We The People". Bishop Carroll, the United States' FIRST Roman Catholic Bishop, conducted a synod in 1791 to help guide Catholics in the new union of states under the Constitution. Before losing his […]

todayDecember 8, 2014 14


Movie Review: Rumors Of War, A 4 Reagan View Of Christian Martyrdom Rising

Mandeville, LA - Rumors of War - Starring Ben Davies, Jennifer Cooper and Eric Roberts. Directed by Tom Tomborello. Rated 4 Reagan's It is not often that independent films can hit their mark in the genre of thriller/sci-fi or action, Rumors of War is that rara avis that hits the target, in the bullseye and even scores big against the civil religion that is the American State while standing reverent […]

todayNovember 30, 2014 3


Giving Thanks Puts The Words of Thanksgiving In The Proper Order

Mandeville, LA - Happy Thanksgiving! is the cry of the average American. Have any of us ever heard or caused to be heard "Happy Curses!" Well this is "America" and we are 'Muhricans", what do YOU think? St John Bergamo explains this in Humility of the Heart. "The doctrine of St Bernard is worthy of our notice : It is one thing to be humiliated, and another to be humble. […]

todayNovember 27, 2014 9


Monty Python Tackles American Slavery: Blame The Popes

Monty Python Tackles American Slavery: Blame The Popes [& Any Other Catholic Near Enough To Swing A Dead Cat At] Mandeville, LA - In Monty Python's Search For The Holy Grail a townswoman is dragged in front of the town's Bishop and accused of performing witchcraft. When the Bishop asks how this is known the villagers yell "we don't know but she is a witch" followed by John Cleese's character […]

todayNovember 25, 2014 6


Hey “Conservatives”! Are You Man Enough To Maintain “Custody Of Your Eyes”?

Are you man or woman enough to maintain "custody of your eyes"? Mandeville, LA - Does Fox News deliver the "conservative" and "culture warrior" take on news they have most "conservatives" hypnotized into believing they do? Considering their obsessive coverage of the latest Kardashian semi-nude romp through green rooms and onto TV screens, the answer is NO. But then again, as I have discovered in my coverage of the lack of modesty […]

todayNovember 18, 2014 7



Evangelicals Shouldn’t Follow “Conservative” Heretics On Same Sex Marriage

Mandeville, LA -  The perversions visited upon our beloved "nomocratic" Constitution pale in comparisons to the perversions visited upon our Beloved, Benedicted Lord's teaching on marriage & morality. Now, according to Protestant blogger Benjamin Corey, "conservative...Christians" hold "personal theological position[s]" on such things as "support for civil marriage equality." This equality is preferred, Corey boastfully proclaims, because "The United States is not a theocracy where the church rules over society". This […]

todayNovember 17, 2014 6
