Gentleman’s Corner

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Gentleman's Corner

Barbecue, Hogs For The Cause, And Mike’s Southern Cooking For Needy Families

Mike Church explains why he is participating in his 11th, Hogs For The Cause event and why you should support him in it! I Can Attest To The Uniqueness of Southern Living and The Beautiful Charity of Southerners by Mike Church There's a cool piece at the American Conservative about The South, 90 years after "I'll Take My Stand" was published. The author concludes that we may have surrendered 0ur […]

todayJune 1, 2021 29

Gentleman's Corner

Yes, There IS Radio Life AFTER Satellite Radio, And I Am Not Only The President But Also an Example!

Today I received the 15,000th response on a social media post for The Mike Church Show. Happy Father's Day KingDude. I sure miss hearing you on the radio! OK, that does it. Anyone with a browser who has been to this site just ONCE since Oct 26th, 2015 must either  a. Know that I never missed a day of LIVE! Mike Church Show broadcasts on The CRUSADE Channel b. Never […]

todayJune 19, 2020 7

CRUSADER Cocktails

Cookin’ With The KingDude: Franco’s Bloody Mary Mix!

Mandeville, LA - Why do I call this Franco's Bloody Mary? Well, the story involves a first cousin of mine who earned the nickname "Franco", details of which I will spare you to maintain our "G" rating. While working at Friend's Restaurant in the summers of 1994-5 we developed this (yep, I tended bar to make ends meet early in my radio vocation) and at one point had an investor […]

todayMay 18, 2020 20

Gentleman's Corner

We’ve Given Away A NEW CARRRRRRRR! Congratulations To William Parrish of Temecula, California!

Athens, GA - On Friday, 08 June, 2018, The CRUSADE Channel gave away a 2018 KIA Soul via our 2nd Annual, Golden Truth Ticket Sweepstakes and the winner is: William Parrish of Temucula, California!! The ticket that William won with was actually won in the on-air giveaway contest on The CRUSADE Channel! William was among the final 9 ticket holders that had tickets matching the first 6 digits Mike gave […]

todayJune 9, 2018 5

Gentleman's Corner

The Importance of Gentlemen, Cigars and Whisky: Dinner With Mike Church And Joseph Pearce

Mandeville, LA - An unbelievable opportunity to spend an unforgettable night: Enjoy dinner and private conversation with world renowned author Joseph Pearce and nationally syndicated radio host Mike Church. • Opening talk by Mike Church: "The Importance of Gentlemen, Cigars and Whisky" • Four course authentic Italian dinner (family style) • Joseph Pearce: "Tolkkein, Chesterton and the Joy of The Pub". • The finest, fine Cigars supplied for sale by […]

todayApril 24, 2018 5

Book Mike As A Speaker

Announcing Mike Church’s “Civilization From 6 Words” Tour

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church, the Longest Running Radio Talk Show on SiriusXM Satellite Radio's history, and now the founder of the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel has announced a speaking tour called "Civilization In 6 Words". The tour begins Wednesday evening at the tour kickoff hosted by the New Orleans Mysterium Fidei (Latin Mass Society). Tour dates are already scheduled in 3 other venues. • Middletown New Jersey • […]

todayApril 11, 2018 17



Hey Wil Wheaton: Real Men Pray & Accept “Thy Will Be Done”, What’s Your Excuse?

Mandeville, LA - Hollywood Heretics To The Faithful: Drop Dead, Your Prayers Didn't Work In Texas. By Mike Church "If Red Seas worked, Pharoah'd still have his Moses." - Logical response to apostate Wil Wheaton. Actors Will Wheaton and Michael McKean took to that "final frontier" of intellectual discourse, Twitter, to vent their hatred for prayer and by admission declare themselves apostates and they threw in some Harvey Weinstein pleasing […]

todayNovember 8, 2017 26

Gentleman's Corner

Radio 2016, Eat Your Young, Deny Your Future, “We Got That Covered”…

  Mandeville, LA - Last week I mused in this space: "Corporate media ownership has RUINED radio broadcasting for the forseeable future. Listeners have become conditioned to expect no breakout or new talents while growing into perfunctory, listening habits of stale, and frankly, bad radio. Prima facie evidence of this is the superstar status of iHeart & Pandora radio, offering regurgitated, swallowed and regurgitated music formats with near zero air talent enhancements […]

todayMarch 18, 2016 11


The American Sheople Now Practice Conformity to Tyranny

Mandeville, LA - When the TSA announced it was purchasing 450 milliwave body scanners at an estimated $75 million to be installed at nearly every major, American airport the reaction was swift and loud. Remember the Drudge Report image of the TSA guard administering the alternative: the infamous blue-glove pat down of the private parts? Remember "opting out" of the "pornoscanner"; remember standing online in the TSA pat down area, legs spread […]

todayMarch 3, 2016 23
