insert_link Latest Today We Settle The Greatest Question Of All: Is Die Hard A Christmas Movie Die Hard is a Christmas movie. For the last few years that statement has sparked a furious debate on social media. News organizations like the New York Times and the Federalist all try to give the definitive answer, but they usually fall short. Mike Church tackles this question with some cold hard CRUSADE Channel facts and he lets the CRUSADE Channel chat room answer it as well. Find out why […] todayDecember 11, 2023 55
insert_link Latest Video Has Not Killed The Radio Star! Happy 8th Birthday CRUSADE Mike Church celebrates the eighth birthday of the CRUSADE Channel. Mike takes a trip down memory lane on this episode of the New Christendom Daily. He visits with the people who helped build this great radio station. The people like Jim Mosher, and Mike Ziants who are the voices you hear on a daily basis. Mike also talks with previous and current hosts, and every year one audience member calls […] todayNovember 14, 2023 12
insert_link Latest Parrott Talk- Around The World: The News You Didn’t Hear This Week. PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. The mainstream media gave a healthy dose of war and politics. Mike Parrott reveals the stories the news "didn't" cover this week. The American government launched airstrikes against targets in Syria. The unknown number of sites attacked are retribution for attacking American bases in Syria. These supposed enemies of the American people are backed by Iran, which of […] todayOctober 27, 2023 22
insert_link Latest Parrott Talk- Open Your Heart To The Truth PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. When truth pierces the heart, it opens your eyes. You begin to realize you must conform your reality to truth. Mike Parrott builds on his developing a love for truth by breaking down the two types of love for truth. The first love of truth is for the people who use truth as a justification for their life […] todayOctober 25, 2023 70
insert_link Latest Women Traded Patriarchy For Snakes And Ruined The World-Time To Restore The Patriarchy With Carrie Gress SPECIAL GUEST Carrie Gress Author of Anti-Mary, Marian Option, Theology of Home and the newest book The End of Woman You had this incredible division of labor just for people to survive. We do know there were women that had awful lives but that is not the norm. We have to really dive deep into the lives of women that are working. You know men don’t have great lives either. […] todayAugust 18, 2023 32
insert_link Lives Of The Saints Babe Ruth Catholic Philanthropist & Baseball Legend Babe Ruth Catholic Philanthropist by Mike Church [originally published September 16th, 2019] There is a side of Babe Ruth that the secular world doesn’t speak of because it isn’t convenient to the “fat drunk and stupid” narrative of a hedonist gone wild on baseball riches. The real Babe Ruth, while challenged by gluttony, was a very charitable man and would have made a great member of Crusader Knights of the […] todayMay 25, 2023 16
Latest Lundi Gras Pile of Prep – The Water In Ohio Has Vinyl Chloride In It Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "Some might ask why Catholics should be concerned by such ideas that appear removed from their daily lives. However, the themes of both schools are found all over postmodern culture. Transhumanist ideas permeate Hollywood films and mold the minds of Elon Musk-type figures. Anti-humanist propaganda dominates today’s culture of death and eco-friendly anti-development models. No one escapes from these ideas." - The Revolt Against Humanity- […] todayFebruary 20, 2023 14
insert_link Catholicism The Stable Genius And The Feast Of The Holy Family Mandeville, LA - Today is the day we celebrate the Feast of The Holy Family, given to us by God as The example to model our lives by and for the young to aspire to begin families in their image. In a world gone mad and given to the most hideous practices of "family-life" e.g. the obsession with helping 5 year olds to "transition", the Holy Family's example deservedly shines […] todayJanuary 8, 2023 43
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1776