
1001 Results / Page 27 of 112



Fourth Sunday of Advent – 8lb 7oz Baby Jesus is Nigh!

Mandeville, LA - The fourth Sunday of Advent is called Rorate, from the Introit; but more frequently, Canite tuba, which are the first words of the first responsory at Matins. In his work, The Liturgical Year, Dom Prosper Gueranger gives us a beautiful meditation on this day, December 23rd, the last day of Advent before the Christmas Eve then Christmas office. Sound the trumpet in Sion, for the day of […]

todayDecember 23, 2018 6


When Sister Marie Terese Came To Call For Our Lady

Mandeville, LA - You don't have to practice a devotion to Mother Mary to assist one of those who does because, as Saint Bernard reminds us of the mater consilii. "Let us honor her for the purity of her body, the holiness of her life. Let us marvel at her fruitful virginity, and venerate her divine Son. Let us extol her freedom from concupiscence in conceiving and from all pain […]

todayDecember 19, 2018 4


Santa Claus Is A Superhero Too – The Mike Church Show

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines6:23Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADEUse the coupon code (turkey) to receive 70% OFF yearly or monthly gift memberships!Today is an Ember Day! Today is the last day to qualify for the Have Yourself a ‘Mary’ Little Christmas.Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.6:34Desmond the 11 year old […]

todayDecember 19, 2018 4


Saint Eusebius-A Model For Opposition To Papa Francis

Mandeville, LA - In the 4th century the Arian Heresy was born and ascendent. Like today's struggle of the Faithful carrying on The Faith and the lukewarm ninnies, led in too many occasions by the Holy Father, Papa Francis, Eusebius was ordered to jettison 300 years of Sacred Tradition and instead follow Arias to heresy and ruin. Eusebius' role in the defense of Saint Athanasius is not well known and […]

todayDecember 16, 2018 8


On Banning “Baby Its Cold & Snowing Idiots Outside” – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines6:20Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADEUse the coupon code (turkey) to receive 70% OFF yearly or monthly gift memberships!Daughter #2 graduated from Southeastern this weekend with a Biology degree.The insanity of the screaming and the shouting and airhorns has got to stop.Is this really higher education?Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News […]

todayDecember 10, 2018 7


The Last Confession of Sherlock Holmes – New Feature Coming From Mike Church

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's newest venture, the radio/podcast serial "Behind The Enemy Lines" will, God willing, debut this Christmas eve, here's the pitch. Two men meet for the first time. Sherlock Holmes and a priest discuss and debate – crime, human nature and, perhaps inevitably, the nature of murder. A Christmas special for all the family – for the Sherlockians and the Chestertonians amongst us – as well as […]

todayDecember 4, 2018 10


Living Advent And Stealing Christmas Back From The Grinch

Mandeville, LA - In Ted Geisel's The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Geisel makes the signal point that Christmas "doesn't come from a store, maybe, maybe, Christmas means a whole lot more". Now, the Grinch and his lovable dog Max don't practice Advent mind you but they do at least wait to celebrate the feast day ON the feast day and not in the 25 preceding days. There is no finer […]

todayDecember 2, 2018 7


The Have Yourself a Mary Little Christmas Contest!

Mandeville, LA - Introducing The “Have Yourself A ‘Mary’ Little Christmas”, Christmas Giveaway! Our Mother Mary of Nazareth Doll And Prizes Giveaway.  The Grand Prize Winner Receives A Limited-edition, Mary of Nazareth Doll With All The Accessories including a Our Lady of Fatima outfit and book! Plus The Crusade Channel Is Kicking In: A Handmade Saint Therese of Lisieux Rosary from the Little Bayou Rosery; $300 To Spend In The Founders […]

todayNovember 24, 2018 5

Daily Clip

Time To #MMAFA, Make ‘Muricah Amazon Free Again! – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines6:18Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE    6:26 Black Friday Death Count There are so many people that die on that day they actually have a website for it! This year we will do a “day after stuffing” sale. After Thanksgiving we will start the Have Yourself a ‘Mary’ Little Christmas. I’m not the solution to what ails […]

todayNovember 16, 2018 10
