
1001 Results / Page 30 of 112



Meet The Saint Who, Get This, Actually Believed Practicing The Faith Was Important!

Mandeville, LA - In our modern world, so filled with contrivances and conveniences we've transferred the work of physical survival to machines. In our catholic lives we've transferred our spiritual survival to perfunctory practices of optional weekly Masses and our apostolic efforts!? Most don't rise Baphomet and boys out of Hell to repulse, they don't see them as threats to their current reign. We could use some imitation of Saint […]

todayAugust 19, 2018 20


BREAKING-Bishop Morlino “The Church needs More Hatred of Sin”

Madison, WI - Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino Bishop of Madison has issued a five page letter to his diocese. The letter was first issued to his priests and is now made public. Like most of you, I have been making daily acts of reparation and praying many times daily for Christ to send us, masculine, holy, ordained men to lead the faithful in this current moment of crisis unlike […]

todayAugust 18, 2018 21


Mike’s Mission To England The Dowry of Mary – Travel Expenses

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church will be broadcasting LIVE! from Walsingham, Oxford, The Shireburn Arms & The J.R.R. Tolkein Trail, Cambridge  and other venues as part of a joint journalistic sojourn with Regina Magazine. Mike will be meeting and broadcasting interviews with leaders of Wales’ Latin Mass Society, G.K. Chesterton’s custodians, leaders of the pilgrimage to Our Lady of Walsingham and much more. Mike might even go LIVE! from a pub […]

todayAugust 15, 2018 6

Book Mike As A Speaker

Mike Church Biography – How The KingDude Became Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Mike Church Biography - "Too Catholic For Satellite Radio" In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, talk-radio fans. The Mike Church Interview: A Remarkable Conversion to Tradition Changes the Face of Political Talk Radio Featured Chris wrote of me back then, words that were too kind but serve as a basis for this biography. Indeed, […]

todayAugust 15, 2018 234


Safe Environment Train This: The PA Grand Jury Report Proves INSTITUTIONAL Corruption

Mandeville, LA - Well, the Pennsylvania Grand Jury just dropped the hammer on that state's prelate sex abuse catastrophe. From my Twitter posting just now. The Pennsylvania #GrandJuryReport removes any doubt over the principle reason pederasts and homosexuals flocked to the priesthood: they knew the "respect" for they & their #Bishop "offices", laity slavishly observe, would shield them. #CatholicMeToo #mercy — Mike Church (@TheKingDude) August 14, 2018 We must […]

todayAugust 14, 2018 20


All Hail The Courageous And Beautiful Saint Clare, Model of True Feminism

Mandeville, LA - The modern "feminist" movement currently promotes the mortally sinful and horrifying, in the eyes of God, proposition that femininity is animated by the obsessive pursuit of sexual gratification. The current edition of the most popular publication of this error is Cosmopolitan magazine, the current cover is shown, right. I won't put into print what the graphic image displays and that includes the shameless, immodest exploitation of former […]

todayAugust 12, 2018 7


Our Lady of Prompt Succor Battles NOLA HexFest

Mandeville, LA - UPDATE: The story has now been published in the Advocate newspaper online, read it here. I was contacted by Nicholas Reimann before the story was published, for a comment on the rally. Here is the email: Since I was never contacted for the story but there is the implication of "terrorism" as well as trespassing made by the HexFest organizer, I wrote Nicholas and asked for the […]

todayAugust 11, 2018 10


The CRUSADE Channel Asks You To Join: Silence Stops Now

Mandeville, LA - There's a new website,, that is tracking the McCarrick, Sodomite Sacristans™ scandal and all the bishops involved, channeling the Iran Contra mantra: "What did they know and WHEN did they know it?" This effort culminates in a continent consuming protest in Baltimore, Nov 12-15 at the USCCB meeting. Regina Magazine has the details. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will have its annual meeting in […]

todayAugust 8, 2018 3


How I Witnessed The Apostolic Succession – Mike Stars In Regina Magazine!

Mandeville, LA - When I attended the ordination of my friend Fr. Michael Cunningham FSSP, in Omaha NE, I was blessed to see, first hand, the Apostolic rite of succession. The experience was one I will never forget and pray I have the chance to experience again. In short, if you are given the opportunity to attend an ordination, do it! Thanks to Harry and Beverly Stevens, our friends at […]

todayAugust 3, 2018 7
