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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – UPDATE: The story has now been published in the Advocate newspaper online, read it here. I was contacted by Nicholas Reimann before the story was published, for a comment on the rally. Here is the email:
Since I was never contacted for the story but there is the implication of “terrorism” as well as trespassing made by the HexFest organizer, I wrote Nicholas and asked for the story to be updated, here is my plea.
Dear Nicholas,
It is disappointing to see the Advocate story you wrote about HexFest that did not tell the ”protesters” side of the story.
For the record, what we did was peacefully, on public property, pray the Holy Rosary’s 3 mysteries, Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious, the Litany of Saint Michael The Archangel and the Lorica of Saint Patrick. We never approached the hotel save for coming to and leaving the event. The TFP categorically denies having anything to do with the flyer mentioned as “an act of terrorism” and our group from the Northshore did not arrive until 8:10 a.m. that morning and we had nothing whatever to do with the flyer. The TFP arrived at St Louis Cathedral at 8:45 a.m. as one group and arrived at the event from via Royal Street. No one in our group stated they were from Saint Mary Magdelene Church.
I pray you’ll update the story and remove the implication that our prayer rally was anything but peaceful and that all concerned state no involvement whatsoever in the flyers mentioned in your story.
By the way, did anyone produce a copy of the flyer, there’s no pic of it in the story?
All best,
Mike Church
The Advocate has a duty and responsibility to the Catholic citizens of New Orleans and the TFP to accurately report our side of the event’s details, I await their update,
It was an honor to stand shoulder to shoulder with the young men of TFP Student Action, @Candace Faith Church, my friends John & Peter Caire and his boys Jude and Michael, Michael Pigg and his sons Andrew and Michael and Richard Mahoney & company who drove in from Breaux Bridge, LA! Watch the video and you’ll see a peaceful and a beautiful defense of Catholic New Orleans, Our Lord and Our Lady. You’ll also see the public stopping to listen or using heir middle fingers to tell us what they thought of the act of reparation. Best of all, you’ll see the minions of the Big 3, Beelzebub, Baphomet and Baguul, dressed in all black; watching the Holy Rosary being said and sung for 80 minutes instead of blaspheming Saint Anne, Our Lady and Saint Joseph in their Hexfest. Our Lady of Prompt Succor was there with us! Oremus!
BTW – one of the Hex Hucksters commented that New Orleans was NOT a Catholic city, you’re wrong. She takes her name from Orleans France, the city consecrated to Our Lady AND Saint Joan d’Arc – The Maid of Orleans. The Cathedral at which we prayed is named for Saint King Louis IX and the city was claimed for Christ as was the Mississippi they tried to “hex” by de Lasalle in 1518.
Written by: TheKingDude
catholic talk radio church militant HexFest Mike Church Show new orleans saint louis cathedral TFP
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