insert_link Catholicism The Incredible Story of Martyrs Saint Abdon And Saint Sennen Mandeville, LA - On July 30th, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Persian brothers Saint Sennen and Saint Abdon. Most martyrologies discount the brothers' story as not being very well known but as we shall see, this is a mistake. The brothers Abdon and Sennen were Persian noblemen who were brought as captives to Rome by the Emperor Decius. It was they who had taken up the […] todayJuly 30, 2017 82
insert_link Latest Guest Column, Pat Buchanan: No Wonder They Hate Us, ‘Muricah’s UnJust Wars Roll On Are America’s Wars Just and Moral? Tuesday - July 25, 2017 at 12:20 am By Patrick J. Buchanan - Visit Pat's Blog Site for all his columns “One knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies,” writes columnist David Ignatius. Given that Syria’s prewar population was not 10 percent of ours, this is the equivalent of a million dead and […] todayJuly 25, 2017 8
insert_link Catholicism Saint Bridget of Sweden Will Never Be Featured In Teen Vogue Mandeville, LA - Saint Bridget of Sweden was born in 1303. She lived her married life in the court of the Swedish King Magnus II. Mother of eight children–the second eldest was Saint Catherine of Sweden–Bridget. From age 7 on, Bridget had visions of Christ crucified. Bridget constantly strove to exert her good influence over king Magnus; while never fully reforming, he did give her land and buildings to found a […] todayJuly 23, 2017 6
insert_link Catholicism FORGET “POST-CHRISTIAN”, AMERICA HAS BECOME A “POST-CHILDHOOD: SOCIETY by Mike Church Mandeville, LA - Author Rod Dreher has made quite a name for himself lamenting our “post-Christian” descent to Perdition’s Bay. Evidence that Dreher is on the right track is easy to come by. What began as “acceptance” of homosexuals has morphed into a loyalty oath to all things LGBTQ that must be recited publicly regardless of your religious preference. Satanists are now finding receptive ears and affirmative […] todayJuly 21, 2017 4
insert_link Catholicism The REAL Story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mandeville, LA - Mount Carmel is a mountain overlooking the Mediterranean Sea on which the prophet Elias successfully challenged the 450 priests of Baal and won the people to the true God. In the Old Testament, Elias went to Mount Carmel to pray for an end to a drought that threatened the survival of the Israelites. On his seventh prayer, Elias saw a cloud rise from the Mediterranean which brought the […] todayJuly 16, 2017 5
insert_link Latest De Homine Lecture Series, Lecture Number 17 Mandeville, LA - The Audio instruction and discussion from Wednesday, 28 June 2017, on Brother Francis Maluf's de Homine lecture series Number 17. This is the audio recorded from the CRUSADE Channel featuring Brother André Marie and moderator Mike Church. A listing of de Homine postings is below todayJuly 1, 2017 35
insert_link Catholicism Veritas et Sapientia-To Avoid New Civil War, The Union Needs A Makeover Mandeville, LA - "Consider sanctuary cities (and states). Some hundreds of cities in America have declared that they are taking no part in enforcing national immigration laws. The government of great big California has set up an executive office to figure out all the ways in which to evade or just to stiff anything it does not like coming from the Trump Administration. And why not? Practically speaking, the federal […] todayJune 29, 2017 8
insert_link Catholicism Miracles Do Happen-I Don’t Think The Heavy Stuff’s Comin’ Down For Awhile Yet! Mandeville, LA - Running the CRUSADE Channel radio station and Veritas Radio network network is the biggest challenge I've ever undertaken. EVER. Recently, the financial demands have become particularly burdensome just as the on-air and online product has peaked to its greatest status/ease of use since our launch. At every juncture when doom seems imminent, God provides a lift that nearly always comes out of nowhere.. totally unexpected. After our […] todayJune 27, 2017 9
insert_link Latest PLEASE DONATE: Pro Life Women’s Conference Expenses Mandeville, LA – Greetings, friends of the CRUSADE Channel! We went into the 2017 Pro Life Women’s Conference with the highest of hopes for both great broadcasting and commensurate sales opportunities for our fledgling enterprise. Well, the broadcasting fruits were so plentiful, good, True and Beautiful we (and you) will benefit from their rebroadcast for some time to come. As for the sales, well, it wasn’t like selling heaters to […] todayJune 26, 2017 13
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1761