
1001 Results / Page 91 of 112



The Vatican Synod & The Catholic Laity’s Temptation: A Hall Pass on Heresy

Mandeville, LA - Rod Dreher points to other bloggers painting the actions of the Vatican Synod and Pope Francis as the long range plan to achieve a liberal view of Church teaching on marriage and family but there is a fatal flaw in all the arguments choosing sides in this spectacle: Doctrine is based on Gospel fulfillment of Old Testament "Types". As Augustine, Ambrose, Benedict and Aquinas consistently point out, NOTHING in […]

todayOctober 15, 2014 9


Fighting Common Core-The Intercession of St Thomas Aquinas

Mandeville, LA - Concerned parents and teachers across the USA have been locked in a battle with the Federal Government, Bill Gates and the U.N. over "Common Core" for the last few years. At issue is whether the diabolical Dept of Education will succeed in planting yet another subversion to parental control inside public schools (as if they haven't planted enough already). Thus far parents have presented evidence of Common […]

todayOctober 15, 2014 16


American Culture Is Now Officially Insane-Granny’s Now “Drunk In Love”

Mandeville, LA - American culture is now officially insane. Hide the kids and any statues of the Blessed Virgin before viewing this TV ad from "Osphena", set to a thumping rock guitar beat, extolling the virtue of Granny doping up so she can be all that Granny's can be: Wilt Chamberlain's understudy. Not satisfied with dolling up 8 year old's for "Dance Mom" shows, Americans now lust for Granny (this […]

todayOctober 1, 2014 5


Americans Got The Miss America Planned Parenthood They Deserve

Only in America......Pagans and Pageants Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s a great story in the Pile of Prep here today by Steve Skojec.  He’s the founder and promoter of, a great website.  The headline is “The Miss America America Deserves.”  Did you know that Kira Kazantsev, the new Miss America, put on her résumé, boldly and proudly, that she served an internship at Planned Parenthood?"  Check out today’s […]

todaySeptember 26, 2014 6


“ISIS Doesn’t HAVE Any Bases For Us To Bomb!” Says U.K. MP Galloway

Mandeville, LA  - During the debate in the British House of Commons today over whether the Brits will fall for the Obama led crusade to overthrow Syria's Bashar al Assad under the guise of "destroying" ISIS, MP Galloway unloads on a female MP and her "asinine intervention." Professor As'ad AbuKhalil observes that this is really a multiu-tiered proxy war that is NOT about humanitarianism or ISIS but IS about, in […]

todaySeptember 26, 2014 6


To War or Not To War, THAT is The Christian War-Hawk’s Quandary

"Perhaps the time has come for a similarly radical witness on warfare. Even though there remain compelling reasons to fight wars, just as there can be compelling reasons for abortion, the reasons in both cases simply cannot override the exceptionless prohibition against the deliberate killing of the innocent. Even just wars butcher shocking numbers of innocent soldiers caught up in them. Some readers of America probably considered one or both […]

todaySeptember 23, 2014 9

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Hate Mail: Mike, You Don’t Deserve The “Blanket of Freedom” I Provide, STFU

Mandeville, LA - I freely and with great sorrow confess that post 9-11 through the Iraq "Surge" I was a DeceptiCON. Big-war, big-military promoting loudmouth. I can't tell you the number of times I got to yell and demean (I apologize, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxime culpa) at non-interventionists who in turn called me a "chickenhawk." Fast forward to today and as I advocate, through history and Christian/Catholic teaching, […]

todaySeptember 23, 2014 4

Gentleman's Corner

Gentleman’s Bootcamp-Reviving Christian Chivalry For The Sake of America

Pungo, VA - On Saturday evening past concerned Christian citizens met at the home of James & Lisa Cohen for Gentleman's Bootcamp I. Father Byrne of St Benedict's Catholic Church got us started with a prayer from St Ignatius of Loyola: Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous;teach me to serve You as You deserve;to give and not to count the cost,to fight and not to heed the wounds,to toil and not […]

todaySeptember 21, 2014 10


DeceptiCONS Have No Memory of Their Last Excuse For War

Mandeville, LA - Let me see if I understand this, DeceptiCONS and war-hawks:Sept. 2013: "Brutal dictator" Bashar al Assad is accused and convicted by American "conservatives" of gassing his own civilian population with Sarin gas so he can remain a brutal dictator. Sept. 2014: "Statesman Bashar al Assad is now begging the "international community" for help in combatting "ISIS", forgetting he is a brutal dictator that has enough Sarin gas and […]

todaySeptember 13, 2014 4
