
57 Results / Page 1 of 7



FLASHBACK: Paleocons vs Libertarians in Russell Kirk’s “Chirping Sectaries”

Editor's Note: ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 16 August, 2012 Mandeville, LA - Since the subject of Tradition vs Reason come sup nearly every day on the Mike Church Show, I thought it would be helpful to lay out what the differences are - or were - between Libertarians & their practice of Reason and Paleocon/Tradcons and their defense and study of Tradition. M.E. Bradfor's opus magnus "A Better Guide Than Reason" takes […]

todayNovember 10, 2021 32

Declaration, draft mystery solved


The Declaration of Independence-Mystery of The Missing Original, SOLVED! Pages Of Independence

"OVER the past two centuries many legends, myths, misconceptions, and palpable error have clustered about the Declaration of Independence... All of them, including the signed and engrossed copy, share in common the fact that they are derivatives of the prototype which was adopted by Congress on the evening of July 4, 1776, and which unhappily disappeared from history almost at the moment of its creation." - Historian Julian Boyd, commissioned […]

todayJuly 3, 2020 38

Feature Productions

Finding Jefferson’s Original Declaration – The 3rd of July Is Not Boring Anymore!

Finding Jefferson's Original Declaration - The 3rd of July Is Not Boring Anymore! by: Mike Church As John Adams told us yesterday "the second of July is to be remembered as the greatest epocha in American history" and tomorrow, July 4th needs no explanation but what of poor, lonely, neglected July 3rd? Is there nothing worthy of remembering on the day before Independence was declared!? You bet your 4th of […]

todayJuly 3, 2019 9

Founders Corner

Washington Irving’s “Life of Washington” – (hardback version)

Mike Church Presents - Washington Irving’s Life of Washington - Volume I (2nd Printing) “Mr. Irving, as usual, had been a good deal depressed about Life of Washington, and had avoided looking over it since its publication; but the following cordial letter from Bancroft helped to put him more in conceit of it, and made him hope that [the book] would not be the death of him, as he sometimes used […]

todayApril 27, 2018 11


YOU Get An Education, The Mike Church Show Wins A Car And The Free World Is Saved

Mandeville, LA - Liberty Classroom is the BEST online education outlet, period. Featuring a faculty second to none in Liberty and Conservative teaching including frequent Mike Church Show guest Kevin Gutzman (pictured below), Dr. Bradley Birzer, Brion MacClanahan and of course Dr. Tom Woods. This Black Friday weekend you can signup for a year or lifetime of course studies, save up to 50% off the regular tuition prices AND  in doing so […]

todayNovember 24, 2016 6


A Resolution To ReClaim “Conservative” From The War-Hawk Thugs Who Have Stolen It

Mandeville, LA - George Panichas is back (we had him on the Mike Church Show in the old country in 2012) with another magnificent essay that is heavy on the condemnation of Big War "conservatism" that requires little brain and a lot of macho-man brawn. If you have watched the GOP debates, recoiling in the blood-lusting horror on display, here begins the remedy. Read Panichas as a prep for the intellectual and philosophical task […]

todayDecember 30, 2015 13


Living Wills and The Culture of Death – The Sermon

Mandeville, LA - I mentioned on today's SiriusXM Radio Show that if you are currently signed up to be an organ donor you should re-consider that as a Christian/Catholic (one in the same but some demand the distinction). I referenced a sermon from a very well spoken Priest who does not like his name being used,  so profound is his Humility of Heart. I am enclosing the audio of that […]

todayOctober 19, 2015 5


Don’t Blame Millennials-Set them Straight-Pops…

NASHVILLE-- Generational warfare is nothing new. Each generation paradoxically believes itself to be smarter than the one before and wiser than the one that follows. That being said, I see many parents and grandparents constantly damning the directions taken and views espoused by America's millennial generation. For all our faults, we millennials are not entirely to blame. Those who raised us are to blame. The previous two generations are responsible […]

todayAugust 31, 2015 8
