Liberty Institute

184 Results / Page 8 of 21


The Constitution

Post Obama Amnesty: The Citizen’s Guide To Impeachment

Mandeville, LA  - While researching the topic of impeachment I discovered a most fascinating piece of scholarship written in 1974 by Albert Broderick of Catholic University: The Citizen's Guide To Impeachment. This is a well documented historical tell-all of the entire history of the Constitution's impeachment power and how it was supposed to be used. The eye opening first section deals with the impeachment clause being added to the Constitution […]

todayNovember 19, 2014 10

From Mike Church's Spirit of '76

The Constitution

The Drunken Prophet/Founding Father Defined Our Voluntary Union in 1787

Mandeville, LA - When one hears the word "secession" today, images of Union soldiers, sanctimoniously mowing down regimented lines of Confederates pulling their slaves by iron chains to battle is demolished by Luther Martin in his tell-all to the MD House of Delegates on the occasion of that Delegate's return to MD with a Constitution instead of Amendments to the Articles of Confederation. Read Martin's description of WHAT makes a […]

todayNovember 17, 2014 9

John Taylor dust jacket

Founders Corner

John Taylor of Caroline-American Statesman, FREE Chapter Preview

Click here to enjoy a FREE chapter from Mike Church's John Taylor  - American Statesman Book. Mandeville, LA - Mike Church & Founding Father Films Publishing present John Taylor of Caroline-AmericanStatesman, now available in cloth bound, hardback, autographed by co-author editor, Mike Church. After nearly 7 months of editing and assembling this collection of Taylor's works is now available. Featuring over 100 pages of never before published works by Taylor and […]

todayNovember 12, 2014 16

The Constitution

Incorporationista Kryptonite: Ratifying Conventions Prove 2nd Amendment Is Local

Mandeville, LA  - If there remain any Incorporationistas out there, the evidence against you seems to know no end. ESPECIALLY when it applies to the Second Amendment. Congress could not have altered the Second Amendment with Amendment 14 without altering the complete understanding of Article I, Sec 8. And how do I know this? Simple, the VA Ratifying convention covered the exact scenario of federal usurpation of State militia powers and […]

todayNovember 3, 2014 3

The Constitution

You Want Proof of 19th Century U.S. Pacifism? – Filibuster of Senator George Frisbe Hoar

(Editor's Note: This transcript was originally posted on 21 December, 2012). Begin Mike Church Show Transcript - Mike: Here is a website-only exclusive that I dont know if I will get into the entire discussion of it today, the filibuster of Senator George Frisbe Hoar against the American war in the Philippines, but it will come up this week because there is a Republican debate Thursday night up in here. By […]

todayNovember 3, 2014 14

The Constitution

[r]epublicans Score One in Biden Country of DE-Incorporation Torpedoed

Mandeville, LA  - With the amount of time and effort put into demolishing the foolish and destructive "Incorporation Doctrine" to  do what Patrick Henry termed "in spite of an erring world"; it is refreshing to receive mail like this, from Biden Country. Mike, Jim Rash is the host of a 900-1200 M-F radio talk show here in Sussex County, DE ( Last week he raised the issue of the mayor of […]

todayOctober 21, 2014 3

The Constitution

Obama Does NOT Have Power To Wage War Against ISIS-James K Polk Said So

Mandeville, LA - On the Wednesday, 10 September, 2014 Mike Church Show, I discussed whether or not President Obama had the power, under the Constitution, to wage offensive war against an "enemy" in a foreign country, without Congress's approval; he does NOT. As proof to back up this claim, I relied on James K Polk's message to Congress of 1846. "To the Congress of the United States. a special message […]

todaySeptember 10, 2014 3

The Constitution

What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I, Jefferson & Madison Schemed Nullification

FREE SAMPLE: Jefferson, John Taylor of Caroline and "little" Jimmy Madison scheme to present nullification as the remedy for The Alien & Sedition Acts.   Mandeville, LA - David Simpson reviews Mike's "What Lincon Killed-EPISODE I" - Mike Church offers a truly unique take on the events surrounding Abraham Lincoln, The Civil War, Secession & A Union Divided. Historically accurate and unlike anything you’ve experienced before. The story centers around Thomas […]

todayAugust 28, 2014 15
