Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

1926 Results / Page 133 of 214



How I Stand Accused of “Slut Shaming” By Nancy Pelosi-ized “Catholics”

Accused of "Slut Shaming" by Mike Church Yesterday started off innocent enough, until my friend Dan M sent me an email alerting me to the following: Catholic teens protest high school skirt ban, demand their old uniforms back: 'This is absolutely sexist'. I posted the story and my comments to Twitter, 24 hours a later, a gaggle of teenagers formed a Twitter lynch mob to reprimand me for "slut-shaming". My […]

todayMay 23, 2019 27

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Utter Unorthodoxy Rules Our Age – Mike Church Show

Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute HEADLINE: Prominent clergy, scholars accuse Pope Francis of heresy in open letter by Maike Hickson This is unprecedented, this has never happened before, this is absolutely historic. BOOK from the TFP - Can A Pope Be……a heretic? by Arnaldo Vidigal Xavier de Silveira In light of this situation, the authors call upon the bishops of the Church to take action since […]

todayApril 30, 2019 13

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Road To Independence 2 CD AUDIO Set – The Story of The Writing of The Declaration of Independence

In June and July 2007 I began the biggest, dramatic undertaking of my life: writing, narrating and directing The Road To Independence - The True Story of The Writing of The Declaration of Independence. The special was finished in the wee hours of July 3rd, 2007 and aired all day on July 4th, 12 times! on the new Sirius Patriot Channel. The special was finished in the wee hours of […]

todayApril 30, 2019 16

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Red Pill Diaries – Pedophilia is Wrong No Matter the Law It is Never Acceptable – The Mike Church Show

Why aren’t there Amber Alerts going off constantly in America? This is apparently out in the open now! No one seems to care. We cannot even get adults to stand up for unborn babies what makes us think we can get them to stand up for young children? QUESTION: So what can YOU do about this? Back to HEADLINE: R.I. teachers unions, ACLU object to bill criminalizing sex between school […]

todayApril 29, 2019 10

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Abortion Bills Need to Be Sent Back – The Mike Church Show

This was  In a bipartisan vote, the Louisiana state house passed legislation confirming that there exists no right to abortion in the state constitution.Introduced by Democrat pro-life state Rep. Katrina JacksonDemocrats and Republicans coming together to protect the PEOPLE!The common protection of the good of the people. This is what government is supposed to do.If they don’t stop telling us we have to kill babies, they are going to see […]

todayApril 26, 2019 9

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Solidarity A Definition – The Mike Church Show

Subsidiarity and Solidarity There can be NO Christian society without BOTH of these. People practice it even less! The lack of subsidiarity and solidarity can be devastating. HEADLINE: Subsidiarity and Solidarity – Not Necessarily What You Think They Are by Msgr. Charles Pope (from 2012) Mike gives example of solidarity  with the Crusade Channel and a listener to another person he knows. Joining the 2 to help BOTH out. EXAMPLE: […]

todayApril 5, 2019 9

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Social Media Addiction, Get your Fix or Opt Out – The Mike Church Show

The Wachowski Brothers that created the Matrix Movies They BOTH brothers ended up ‘becoming’ women. UGLY manly women. So we are being horribly throttled back on social media especially FB. Rod Dreher he never spends time on FB for this very reason. HEADLINE: Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview Don’t let anyone tell you this stuff isn’t happening b/c it is! FANG […]

todayMarch 21, 2019 4
