Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Monday Red Pill Diaries-NO CoronaDoom Culprits Want To Rewrite The Deadly History They Wrote

 HEADLINE: Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers by Emerald Robinson  HEADLINE: They lied about everything else, but believe them about this war by Frederick Edward  Know Your Human Rights Twitter: We shouldn't be cutting out and demonising our Russian friends and 'everything' Russian just because the leader of their country has taken certain actions. They didn't choose that. These people were […]

todayMarch 7, 2022 5

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Wednesday Red Pill Diaries-Biden’s Reckless Taunting Of Putin Is Going To Be Paid For By All Of Us

HEADLINE: Reckless Neocons Want Escalation With Russia In Order To Regain Control Of The GOP by John Daniel Davidson  The Ukrainian country cannot enter into NATO. It goes against anything in the treaty. There are 2 transcripts that state NATO wouldn’t advance any further…that didn’t happen as we know NATO has been expanding.

todayMarch 2, 2022 13

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Monday Red Pill Diaries-Ukraine: The End Result Of Murican Empires Foreign Policy

HEADLINE: Washington's Crocodile Tears Over Ukraine's Destruction by Daniel McAdams  The US has a history of changing leadership in Ukraine. When someone we don’t like is elected into power, we change it. QUESTION: Who did they send to personally supervise the changing of the power? ANSWER: Joe Biden The Lost Mandate of Heaven ‘The American Betrayal of Ngo Dinh Biem President of Vietnam - by Geoffrey Shaw FROM THE ARTICLE: […]

todayFebruary 28, 2022 7

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Thursday Red Pill Diaries-If You’re For A New Murican Union You Should Be Watching Putin Biden 1 Very Closely

Ukraine and Russia What did Ukraine do in response to these two regions for seceding? They sanctioned them. The Ukrainians have been bombing these two regions since then. The Russian parliament should have recognized them formally and diplomatically 8 years ago - Vladimir Putin This is really important information here folks. You won’t get this information from the MSM b/c they want a war with Putin. The Ukrainians are trying […]

todayFebruary 24, 2022 6
