The Mike Church Show

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The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show Episode 304: The Left’s Ultimate Goal, Take Trump DOWN!

Mandeville, LA – DeceptiCONNED: The Deep State Claims A Skin In Michael Flynn – As the story becomes known, it appears that Michael T Flynn may have actually been targeted by “Deep State” operatives who cannot allow anyone near the scalpel set to trim the $4.5 TRILLION all-you-can-eat buffet that Mordor on the Potomac has become. Bloomberg’s Eli Lake goes so far as to call FlynnGate a “Political Assassination”. “Flynn was a fat target […]

todayFebruary 15, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 302 Podcast: The Walking Dead Promotes Restoring The Order

Mandeville, LA – The Walking Dead: How Zombies & Tyrant Libs Try And Destroy The Proper Order – If you haven’t watched the Walking Dead TV show, you could spend a couple weekends catching up on Netflix before diving into this last season which is filled with what I can only characterize as a defense of tradition! Note that über bad-guy tyrant’s last act of society wide tyranny was what? A gun […]

todayFebruary 13, 2017 5


Mike Church Show Episode 301 Podcast: Lib Judges To Trump, “We’re All President’s Now”

Mandeville, LA – We’re All President’s Now. 9th Circuit Court To President Trump “Drop Dead” – The 9th Circuit Court predictably ruled that a Circuit Court Judge in Seattle is President and that Donald Trump, the actual President needs to stand down and stop trying to be President. The 9th Circuit actually claims that it is within “their rights” to review all Executive actions!

todayFebruary 10, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 300 Podcast: Planned Parenthood Awards Orc of The Month With Pizza

Mandeville, LA – The Planned Parenthood Employee Of The Month Program – What would you do to earn a free wall plaque and a pizza party for 3 and your best-bud Orcs? “Employees” read worker demons, at Planned Parenthood could win pizza parties by being the “caregiver” who encouraged the most amount of women to have abortions and yes, they received a certificate of achievement plaque for their walls. With every layer peeled away […]

todayFebruary 9, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 299 Podcast: The “Great Manipulator”

Mandeville, LA – The “Great Manipulator”, Steve Bannon, Is Responsible For The CRUSADE Channel – If the Has-Been-Media wanted a sideshow story to go along with Time Magazine’s cover story this week showing my replacement on the SiriusXM Patriot Channel, Steven K Bannon they might contact me. I read with great attention the description Mr Bannon’s decades long quest for revenge for the obilteration of the working class and their vocations in […]

todayFebruary 8, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 298: Is California Where South Carolina Was In 1860

Mandeville, LA –  Madness: Nat Geo & Katie Couric Now Claim That A “Fetus” Can Doubt Its Gender Assignment – Someone needs to take a padded rubber room from a mental correction facility, put it on a Mac truck and travel the countryside in search of tranZombies. The now fad-like mental disorder known as transgenderism has achieved comedic success where no comedy is warranted. Do these people watch their own shows? Listen to […]

todayFebruary 7, 2017 5


Mike Church Show Episode 297: All Hail Emperor “Judge” Robart, The President You DIDN’T Elect

Mandeville, LA – Segment 1:  So its OK For Washington State To Nullify Trump’s Election? – For over a decade, ratified Constitution defenders have held the high, historical ground that the Federal Government can be legally opposed when it exceeds its authority, we call this “Nullification”. Whenever we have made this claim, regardless of the tyranny opposed, we have been called every typical epithet in the book including “racist, bigot, homophobe” and for […]

todayFebruary 6, 2017 3


The Mike Church Show Episode 294: Why Don’t The Boy Gay Scouts Of America Sodom Just Get The Orgy Badges On Already?

Mandeville, LA – Why Don’t The Boy Gay Scouts Of America Sodom Just Get The Orgy Badges On Already? – If I didn’t read this then verify it I wouldn’t believe it: The Boy Scouts are now openly accepting little girls who think they’re little boys into scouting. This totally vindicates those parents and scout leaders who fled the organization when it admitted youth homosexuals and predatory adult ones in as “Masters”; knowing that once that bow […]

todayFebruary 1, 2017 12
