insert_link Podcasts Despite Talk Radio’s Best Efforts, The Russkies Still Don’t Hate Us Mandeville, LA - The CRUSADE Channel's European correspondent, Iben Thranholm, checks in 2 days after the Russian elections which she chronicled, LIVE from Moscow and reports "...they don't know why...they just don't understand why the Americans hate them so because the Russians don't hate them". This is the 'Murican propaganda machine's at their best including the war-machine's echo chamber: Talk radio. The KingDude also explains why the frustration of modern […] todayMarch 20, 2018 5
insert_link Podcasts Good News: Katie Perry’s NOT A Demon! Bad News: She’s Still Katie Perry, Virgin Slayer Mandeville, LA - Benjamin Gates didn't want a kiss from Katie Perry or any other hose beast, he wanted to save his first for his future wife. Enter Katie Perry, Virgin Slayer. The 'Murican State HAS imposed ITS religion on you but you cower in horror from the one-True Religion. Armed with my description of a 'Murican "Conservative Church" service, next time you see this transpire on Fox News and […] todayMarch 16, 2018 5
insert_link Podcasts To Arms Crusaders! ‘Ere Enemy, Pluralism, Is Nigh! The Mike Church Show! Mandeville, La - Brother André Marie joins Mike in a tell it like it is smackdown of why religious pluralism is contrary to reason. Mike enjoys hearing Marion LePen speak at CPAC, the first CPAS speaker he's liked since Ron Paul in 2012. Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:13 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:20 Today’s Veritas et Sapientia – On The […] todayMarch 12, 2018 5
insert_link Latest When The Creature From The Black Lagoon Makes Porn That Wins Oscars It’s Officially Over Mandeville, LA - The Oscar went to a movie that featured a woman having sex with the Creature From the Black Lagoon. This is straight up beastiality says Rod Dreher. Mike corrects saying: "This woman is having sex with a demon that has taken on this form. She is actually having a sex with an incubus." Plus Gary Oldman’s Oscar 2018 Acceptance Speech for Best Actor in Darkest Hour: He thanks America for the […] todayMarch 6, 2018 26
insert_link Latest You’re a Saint! You’re a Saint! -When Canonization Met Oprah- Mike Church Interview With Chris Ferrera Mandeville, LA - This is Mike Church's first 2018 interview with Chris Ferrara author of Liberty The God That Failed and a frequent contributor to the Remnant Newspaper, latin Mass Magazine and other worthy publications. Among the subjects covered is the radical change in how saints are being canonized by Pope Francis, the Oprah car giveaway is not an exaggeration! Listen to Or Download This Entire Interview With Chris Ferrara […] todayMarch 6, 2018 3
insert_link Catholicism The War of Demonic Aggression Part 1 – The Deliver Us From Evil Tapes "During questioning, the demon identified itself as Judas Iscariot." - Ralph Sarchie, S2 E1 Mandeville, LA - Ralph & Mike are back, with the biggest and best Deliver Us From Evil Tapes episode yet! The War of Demonic Aggression, kicking off the second season of the hit series with a cliffhanger. The story focuses on the tribulations the Barnett family suffered in Wartrace Tennessee for 6 years, at the hand […] todayMarch 5, 2018 24
insert_link Catholicism It’s The Fasting, Stupid – The Lepanto Minute Mandeville, LA - This week's LePanto Minute featuring Michael Hichborn, founder of the LePanto Institute. The Mike's cover the latest pontifical scandals, why Church militant CRUSADERS need old-school Lenten fasting and the outrageous canonization of Billy Graham by Catholic prelates. todayMarch 2, 2018 12
insert_link Catholicism The Conservative Media Echo Chamber Produces Conformity To Un-Informity Mandeville, LA - It's Free Phone Friday but Mike has the full court press on for the "conservative echo chamber's" media outlets and their "Conformity to un-informity", having missed the obvious "astroturf" composition of the "magic mob" of Parkland teenagers who *satire* "organized a galaxy-wide protest against guns in 48 hours using Texas Instruments abacus and carrier pigeons. The threat of us not knowing a single person that contributed to […] todayMarch 2, 2018 8
insert_link Latest Peace Was The Constitution’s Greatest Blessing, We Got Guns & Neverending Wars Instead Mandeville, LA - It isn't everyday a pro-life Catholic can say loudly "I agree with Bernie Sanders", today is that day. Sanders and two other courageous Senators have filed a resolution to force Obama/Trump's war-crime producing war in Yemen to be declared. Mike also delivers a Project 76 history lesson from James Madison; tells the story of a miracle in Norcia Italy and closes with another monologue on the soulless, […] todayMarch 1, 2018 10
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1809